Bah, long time no update!
How are you doing kids? Anything exciting happened in your life lately? Nah, me either.
Well, I started college, and added a subject. I'm doing, English Lang&Lit, Psychology, Sociology, Religious-Ethics-and Philosophy, and Law.
I moved to Manchester, everyone is weird down here. I think I attrack mentally unbalanced people. The amount of weirdos that sit next to me on the bus is incredible.
One guy came up to me the other day, "Got muneh for de phone?" and managed to drool a big glomp of spit onto my foot at the same time. He reaked of alcohol, piss and sick. I felt really sorry for him, but I didn't have change. Instead, he went and tried to shove a few 2 p's in the phone and got pissed off and smashed the phone down when it didn't work. He stalked around the bus stop for a little while, I was so glad when the bus turned up. Sorry weird phone man, next time I'll bring some change!
I went shopping today, I don't usually like to shop, but GOOD LORD, I found some perty clothes.
I've got a couple of concerts coming up soon, The Unseen + Flogging Molly, then the Hell on Earth Tour (I only know As I Lay Dying is playing.) Yay me, I'm going to get drunk and dance my ass off to Flogging Molly. Typical.
Oh, yeh. And I had a fit, maybe a panic attack? I'm not quite sure. I'll give you all the quick version. Let's just say I was a little drugged up, and had just done something to caused me to feel very light headed and out of breath. Suddenly, my whole chest tightened up and all I could hear was my heart beating at 10000 mph in my ears. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably. It felt like I was floating out of my body, I could see people shouting at me but I couldn't hear them. At first all I could think was, 'I'm going to die! I'm going to die." But that soon gave into "Ashley, snap out of it. Snap out of it right now!" When I was speaking to myself, it felt like I wasn't in my own body, I was screaming down at myself and everything was so bright. You know when you feel such intense dread it makes your stomach cramp with that horrible pain? Yeh, I had that too. And then suddenly Darren reached out and grabbed my arm and I snapped out of it, just like that. I felt my whole body jerk and I could move and breathe again. I was shaky for hours after it though.
Anyway, enough from me, I'll leave you with..
And this,
How are you doing kids? Anything exciting happened in your life lately? Nah, me either.
Well, I started college, and added a subject. I'm doing, English Lang&Lit, Psychology, Sociology, Religious-Ethics-and Philosophy, and Law.
I moved to Manchester, everyone is weird down here. I think I attrack mentally unbalanced people. The amount of weirdos that sit next to me on the bus is incredible.
One guy came up to me the other day, "Got muneh for de phone?" and managed to drool a big glomp of spit onto my foot at the same time. He reaked of alcohol, piss and sick. I felt really sorry for him, but I didn't have change. Instead, he went and tried to shove a few 2 p's in the phone and got pissed off and smashed the phone down when it didn't work. He stalked around the bus stop for a little while, I was so glad when the bus turned up. Sorry weird phone man, next time I'll bring some change!
I went shopping today, I don't usually like to shop, but GOOD LORD, I found some perty clothes.
I've got a couple of concerts coming up soon, The Unseen + Flogging Molly, then the Hell on Earth Tour (I only know As I Lay Dying is playing.) Yay me, I'm going to get drunk and dance my ass off to Flogging Molly. Typical.
Oh, yeh. And I had a fit, maybe a panic attack? I'm not quite sure. I'll give you all the quick version. Let's just say I was a little drugged up, and had just done something to caused me to feel very light headed and out of breath. Suddenly, my whole chest tightened up and all I could hear was my heart beating at 10000 mph in my ears. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably. It felt like I was floating out of my body, I could see people shouting at me but I couldn't hear them. At first all I could think was, 'I'm going to die! I'm going to die." But that soon gave into "Ashley, snap out of it. Snap out of it right now!" When I was speaking to myself, it felt like I wasn't in my own body, I was screaming down at myself and everything was so bright. You know when you feel such intense dread it makes your stomach cramp with that horrible pain? Yeh, I had that too. And then suddenly Darren reached out and grabbed my arm and I snapped out of it, just like that. I felt my whole body jerk and I could move and breathe again. I was shaky for hours after it though.
Anyway, enough from me, I'll leave you with..

And this,

i'm fine for after my degree i reckon i'll end up working in a radio or something...i think my eventual plan will be to set up a record label or something like that...if i did become a star of course i'd remember you liking living down here now?
im glad you're enjoying the expierince, was it bury you moved to?