My house is a small community. We have ten people living here, including me. To a bedroom there are three sets of twos and four to their own rooms. We have one decent sized kitchen and three bathrooms.
The order of people in the house has constantly been on the move since I moved in, over a year ago now. I first came here for the company of only a couple of the housemates. Gradually, each and every one of my closest friends have moved in, replacing people I do not 'respect' as much.
Every person in this house brings their own special something. We have the essential few who nag enough to keep things clean and nice, those never too tired to party, one that constantly gives off positive energy, a DIY-make-it-worse-than-it-was-before type of boy. =) He'll answer any question you like with "It's in the basement!"
Ok, I admit, it sometimes is in the basement..Which, in it's self, has character. The intestines of broken glow sticks are splattered across the white walls from previous 'basement raves'. Decorations and strobe lights still in place from such nights.
Yet, you might not call it the best place for a rave. Computer monitors, make shift seats for those feeling a little light headed, leaning towers of forgotten games, dvds..A bunch of fake roses, an old tv. And then it gets down to the nitty gritty bits, miles of cables for this and that, pins, tools, nails, all that crap.
There is a constant flow of positive energy in the house. Of course, things happen in life and individual people are effected, but there is always the comfort of home, the group...the pack! =)
Any minute of the day, there is at least one room buzzing with activity, due to differing work schedules, people can always find someone to bum about with. I genuinely feel comfortable with every house mate, it is an amazing atmosphere to live in.
My work [Subway] used to be quite the same. Some naughty things have gone on over the night shifts. But it's always been a friendly, laid back atmosphere. Slightly due to our laxing franchise owner [Sorry if you're reading this, but you're not the strictest/most business aware guy around].
So it's no surprise that we where told recently he's selling up. Things are going to be a little stricter around now, less of the social gathering feeling, more of that...actual work!
Yet it's not that much of a blow to me, seeing as a few days ago I got an unconditional yes from a uni in my town. =) It's only an access course, but in 6 months I'll be finished just in time to start an actual degree..So, I'll only have to work part time with a little help from them. =) I'm excited to start using my brain again.

I'd never been naked in front of a camera before a couple of nights ago. Not too great for someone applying to be an SG! I know its shitty lighting, it was spur of the moment, fuck it, it's dark but theres a bedside lamp, I have to get naked some time soon or I never will, sort of thing. There's a couple more in my nakedness folder, which I hope to be adding to as I practice.
I'm feeling pretty positive towards life right now, working fowards. It's nice. =)
The order of people in the house has constantly been on the move since I moved in, over a year ago now. I first came here for the company of only a couple of the housemates. Gradually, each and every one of my closest friends have moved in, replacing people I do not 'respect' as much.
Every person in this house brings their own special something. We have the essential few who nag enough to keep things clean and nice, those never too tired to party, one that constantly gives off positive energy, a DIY-make-it-worse-than-it-was-before type of boy. =) He'll answer any question you like with "It's in the basement!"
Ok, I admit, it sometimes is in the basement..Which, in it's self, has character. The intestines of broken glow sticks are splattered across the white walls from previous 'basement raves'. Decorations and strobe lights still in place from such nights.
Yet, you might not call it the best place for a rave. Computer monitors, make shift seats for those feeling a little light headed, leaning towers of forgotten games, dvds..A bunch of fake roses, an old tv. And then it gets down to the nitty gritty bits, miles of cables for this and that, pins, tools, nails, all that crap.
There is a constant flow of positive energy in the house. Of course, things happen in life and individual people are effected, but there is always the comfort of home, the group...the pack! =)
Any minute of the day, there is at least one room buzzing with activity, due to differing work schedules, people can always find someone to bum about with. I genuinely feel comfortable with every house mate, it is an amazing atmosphere to live in.
My work [Subway] used to be quite the same. Some naughty things have gone on over the night shifts. But it's always been a friendly, laid back atmosphere. Slightly due to our laxing franchise owner [Sorry if you're reading this, but you're not the strictest/most business aware guy around].
So it's no surprise that we where told recently he's selling up. Things are going to be a little stricter around now, less of the social gathering feeling, more of that...actual work!
Yet it's not that much of a blow to me, seeing as a few days ago I got an unconditional yes from a uni in my town. =) It's only an access course, but in 6 months I'll be finished just in time to start an actual degree..So, I'll only have to work part time with a little help from them. =) I'm excited to start using my brain again.

I'd never been naked in front of a camera before a couple of nights ago. Not too great for someone applying to be an SG! I know its shitty lighting, it was spur of the moment, fuck it, it's dark but theres a bedside lamp, I have to get naked some time soon or I never will, sort of thing. There's a couple more in my nakedness folder, which I hope to be adding to as I practice.
I'm feeling pretty positive towards life right now, working fowards. It's nice. =)
thats one wild house, I digg it so

I love your hair in your display pics!