I just finished my final for my non-profit management class it ended up being 12 pages plus 2 surveys I created.... and I completed all of that today... Yes I rock!!! hahah.... I need to stop being such a procrastinator!!!!! I can't even imagine what I could accomplish if I didn't wait till the last minute for everything!!! And to top it all off, my lap top is messed up and won't turn on... it's the charger.. stupid P.O.S!! I have replaced twice! So I had to write the paper without any of my notes or research.
I'm hating the idea that I have to go to work tomorrow!!! I didn't really get to celebrate my graduation. I went to dinner with some friends and ex-boyfriend (who is one of my best friends).... he is actually one of the professor at the college I attended... in fact I took his research methods class (boring) and animal behavior which was fun a long time ago, long before we dated.... We've been spending more time together lately and I have realized how much I missed him.... We'll never go back to dating or living together, because we want different things in life...he can never be what I need him to be, and I can never be what he wants me to be.... Although I love him so very much and don't know where I would be without him!!! Well I would not have graduated I do know that much....
So one more paper to write and I'm off to start another chapter of my life.... But tonight I have to write a letter opposing the football field someone is purposing to build behind my mother's house.... I guess I'm a resident here for a few more weeks....I don't want them to ruin the wonderful diversity in my backyard and the rich habitat..... So I've got to support the moose, deer, bear, eagles (which I saw yesterday for the first time this spring), fox, and rotten little raccoon that keeps getting into the shed and into the trash..... he's become quite the little fuckerpant!!!! So I have to figure way to keep him out, with out putting any dangerous chemicals around.... He's not being a very good neighbor!!!
Here's one of my neighbors... (sorry it was a rainy day, so the picture is kind of dark)

I'm hating the idea that I have to go to work tomorrow!!! I didn't really get to celebrate my graduation. I went to dinner with some friends and ex-boyfriend (who is one of my best friends).... he is actually one of the professor at the college I attended... in fact I took his research methods class (boring) and animal behavior which was fun a long time ago, long before we dated.... We've been spending more time together lately and I have realized how much I missed him.... We'll never go back to dating or living together, because we want different things in life...he can never be what I need him to be, and I can never be what he wants me to be.... Although I love him so very much and don't know where I would be without him!!! Well I would not have graduated I do know that much....
So one more paper to write and I'm off to start another chapter of my life.... But tonight I have to write a letter opposing the football field someone is purposing to build behind my mother's house.... I guess I'm a resident here for a few more weeks....I don't want them to ruin the wonderful diversity in my backyard and the rich habitat..... So I've got to support the moose, deer, bear, eagles (which I saw yesterday for the first time this spring), fox, and rotten little raccoon that keeps getting into the shed and into the trash..... he's become quite the little fuckerpant!!!! So I have to figure way to keep him out, with out putting any dangerous chemicals around.... He's not being a very good neighbor!!!
Here's one of my neighbors... (sorry it was a rainy day, so the picture is kind of dark)

congrats on finishing your and good luck on your new one =)