coloring my hair again for the 4th time in 5 days!!!! photos to follow...
Going to see Trixter tonight!!! Nothing like 80's hair bands to brighten your day!!!!

oh man, give it to me good!!!!

Yay! thank you dear!! <3
I hate the holidays!!!! Everything about it!!!
Things to be excited for: I get paid tomorrow and going to see Trixter!!! Then heading north to see my family and my new twin nephews. I haven't seen them in a month, I'm sure they are growning fast. That really makes me sad that I'm not closer to home....
Things to be excited for: I get paid tomorrow and going to see Trixter!!! Then heading north to see my family and my new twin nephews. I haven't seen them in a month, I'm sure they are growning fast. That really makes me sad that I'm not closer to home....
I dig the artwork...Cute puppies. I think you should draw THEM!
I'm addicted to chickpea salad sandwhiches!!!! I can't get enough of them!!!!!
I suck at updating... Things have been extremely busy!!! Was hoping to have a new job by now, but that hasn't happend. Just trying to keep my head above water.
You suck
Watching Suicide Girls Must Die!!
You never check this anymore??
It was entertaining

I don't know what is going on with the SG site, I was having issues with it this morning, and still haven't heard from headquarters. Tonight I'm still having problems. I tried one computer can access my account just fine even view photos, and then this computer won't show the photos, but I can access everything else. I thought my subcription ran out and I...
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It sounds like you are behind a broken web caching system. If there are other SG users behind the same system, and it always sends the most recent cookie (which is what indicates who's logged in) you'll see pages for other users. If this is what's going on, the only way to fix it is for your internet service provider to fix their web cache. The good news is that if this is the problem, it probably only happens on page refreshes, not on submits, so you probably don't have to worry about someone else posing as you. But they could see private content for you, if they can figure out the URL. It would be difficult to do this consistently, so the risk is pretty small. I'm guessing you haven't seen anything private that you shouldn't have.
BTW, you should not assume in the slightest that SG is secure, because it's not. Anyone who can see your packets--your ISP, and anybody who's on your wireless connection--can see what you are doing on SG, and can probably capture your password as well. So you're more secure if you use a wired connection at home, but SG doesn't encrypt your traffic (I'm guessing it would be prohibitively expensive), so no, you aren't secure.
BTW, you should not assume in the slightest that SG is secure, because it's not. Anyone who can see your packets--your ISP, and anybody who's on your wireless connection--can see what you are doing on SG, and can probably capture your password as well. So you're more secure if you use a wired connection at home, but SG doesn't encrypt your traffic (I'm guessing it would be prohibitively expensive), so no, you aren't secure.
Something weird is going on with this site... When I got up this morning to check my SG account I was logged into the site under another account. I have no idea who it was???? It's was kind of scarry, I hope this site is secure!!!
So after $500 over the past week at the vet for my Great Dane only for them to tell me she has hip dysplasia which I have known for the past 3 years, and she has a torn cruciate, but there is not much they can do for her, since she is 8 years old, a large breed dog, and not sure if the knee...
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