Hello SG!!! Sorry for the long absence. I may have to break my vow to never pay for internet and get WiFi at home, instead of being an internet bandit, like I am right now.
It's been a crazy month, and more of those to come. To bring you up to speed:
The violinist I mentioned before came up here, and we had a great time as always. We talked about my coming down to Houston this summer for my birthday. But soon after he left, a little internet stalking led me to find out his long-distance girlfriend is moving back to Houston. The last I'd heard, she'd moved to South Carolina about 2 years ago, and about a year ago he had started seeing other people. But now, she's back. Story of my life! I seem to be one of those girls cursed to be attracted to guys who are unavailable...they're either taken, not local, or, as in this guy's case, both. In related news, I had lunch a few weeks ago with an ex (I mentioned in him in a past blog...we played the same NYE party). I was talking to him about SG, and come to find out, he saw my set and voted for me! How about that. I'm still getting him off even though we're not together. Go me.
My oldest New Orleans friend, Wicket, was in town again last week. As usual we saw lots of amazing music while he was here. First was KERMIT RUFFINS at the Highline! Hopefully, you know who that is, if not, I hear he's been on Treme. He's a NOLA trumpeter/singer. I used to walk down Frenchmen St and catch him performing for free. But this is NYC, so it was like $40. Good thing Wicket paid. Here is a ridiculous picture of me drunkenly dancing onstage/molesting Mr. Ruffins:

Wow I look crazy.
The next night was an ensemble, the Tiny Resistors, led by upright bassist Todd Sickafoose at Le Poisson Rouge. I knew they leaned to the prog side of things, which can be hit or miss. But then I found out ANDREW MOTHERFUCKING BIRD (not his actual middle name) was playing with them, so I had to go. The high frequencies of the violin really brought an ethereal quality to the music, as did his awesome whistling talents.
Finally, Garage a Trois at the Brooklyn Bowl. They are also NOLA-based....funk? Improv? I can't describe it, but do check them out if they come to your town! It's a quartet formed by Skerik on tenor sax, Stanton Moore (of Galactic) on drums, plus a guy on keys, and a guy on vibraphone. It was quite possibly the best show I've ever seen, and only $12! The vibraphone player, at one point, took a running jump across the stage, clearing his vibes, just to give you an example of the mind-bogglingly amazingness of the show. I don't think those are even wordsI
Last Friday, we also did the Phaal Curry Challenge at the Brick Lane Curry house in the East Village. It's been featured on Food Network, Man vs. Food, etc. We both finished at the same time (bah dum bum), winning a certificate and a free beer. You'd think drinking beer after eating the spiciest curry ever would be painful. But as it turns out, capsaicin is fat AND alcohol soluble, so it actually helped! I have to say, getting a round of applause from the staff of a mostly empty Indian restaurant in the middle of the day, is just goofy enough for me. Here is me with the certificate which bequeaths the title "Phaal Curry Monster" to yours truly:

Wow, now that I see it on an actual computer screen, not just my phone, I realize how puffy my eyes were! I was crying like a bitch, but dammit, I ate it!
I was recently hired as an assistant musical director/conductor/accordionist for the world premiere of a Vaclav Havel operetta, to be performed June-July!!!! This is so cool, as I have NO experience being a musical director. I did take a required conducting class in undergrad, but I was stoned every day. I haven't even touched a piano in over a year, so I better get practicing! We had one rehearsal, and next week I'm going to be accompanying. I wish we had playwright presidents, instead of talking heads.
Speaking of being stoned every day, yesterday, while busking, a gross MTA worker handed me a tip, with the caveat "I'll give you this two dollars in change, if you promise not to buy drugs with it." For a second, I felt insulted, and responded "I'm not a hobo, dude." But then, I was flattered! I didn't realize I looked like a junkie! But then I realized how stupid of a comment that was. What drug can you buy for 2 bucks? ONE weed?
Well, I guess that brings us up to date. I'll sign off with some random things I'm into right now:
--My own personal Banksy:

--I'm still obsessed with the song "Mein Herr" from Cabaret, since dumping my boyfriend a few months ago. Here is a clip from the original movie with ol' Liza, back before she became scary-looking:
Same song, as covered by the Dresden Dolls:
--I'm also obsessed with acquiring this CD. Did you know Dr. Kevorkian was a jazz flute and organ player? I did not. But I must own this. Soon.
--I need to learn something on accordion which utilizes both hands on the bass button side, for no other reason than it looks cool:
--GOING PINK!!!!! I want to so badly!!! I wish I could be more active on the site, but alas, I'm relegated to being an internet bandit, like now, and the mobile site does not work on my phone. I'd like to join the NYC group, I need to look into that. Any other suggestions?
The picture of me and Kermit reminded me of another picture with a certain celebrity. I believe he needs no introduction:
This is from 2009. One of my bands, along with the Blue Man Group, played a private function which he hosted. Note the wine stain on my boob.
Sometimes I feel I should paint the bellows of my accordion with Dr. Seuss's "Oh, The Places You'll Go". It would nicely complement the dental floss and electrical tape currently holding my instrument together.

It's been a crazy month, and more of those to come. To bring you up to speed:
The violinist I mentioned before came up here, and we had a great time as always. We talked about my coming down to Houston this summer for my birthday. But soon after he left, a little internet stalking led me to find out his long-distance girlfriend is moving back to Houston. The last I'd heard, she'd moved to South Carolina about 2 years ago, and about a year ago he had started seeing other people. But now, she's back. Story of my life! I seem to be one of those girls cursed to be attracted to guys who are unavailable...they're either taken, not local, or, as in this guy's case, both. In related news, I had lunch a few weeks ago with an ex (I mentioned in him in a past blog...we played the same NYE party). I was talking to him about SG, and come to find out, he saw my set and voted for me! How about that. I'm still getting him off even though we're not together. Go me.
My oldest New Orleans friend, Wicket, was in town again last week. As usual we saw lots of amazing music while he was here. First was KERMIT RUFFINS at the Highline! Hopefully, you know who that is, if not, I hear he's been on Treme. He's a NOLA trumpeter/singer. I used to walk down Frenchmen St and catch him performing for free. But this is NYC, so it was like $40. Good thing Wicket paid. Here is a ridiculous picture of me drunkenly dancing onstage/molesting Mr. Ruffins:

Wow I look crazy.
The next night was an ensemble, the Tiny Resistors, led by upright bassist Todd Sickafoose at Le Poisson Rouge. I knew they leaned to the prog side of things, which can be hit or miss. But then I found out ANDREW MOTHERFUCKING BIRD (not his actual middle name) was playing with them, so I had to go. The high frequencies of the violin really brought an ethereal quality to the music, as did his awesome whistling talents.
Finally, Garage a Trois at the Brooklyn Bowl. They are also NOLA-based....funk? Improv? I can't describe it, but do check them out if they come to your town! It's a quartet formed by Skerik on tenor sax, Stanton Moore (of Galactic) on drums, plus a guy on keys, and a guy on vibraphone. It was quite possibly the best show I've ever seen, and only $12! The vibraphone player, at one point, took a running jump across the stage, clearing his vibes, just to give you an example of the mind-bogglingly amazingness of the show. I don't think those are even wordsI
Last Friday, we also did the Phaal Curry Challenge at the Brick Lane Curry house in the East Village. It's been featured on Food Network, Man vs. Food, etc. We both finished at the same time (bah dum bum), winning a certificate and a free beer. You'd think drinking beer after eating the spiciest curry ever would be painful. But as it turns out, capsaicin is fat AND alcohol soluble, so it actually helped! I have to say, getting a round of applause from the staff of a mostly empty Indian restaurant in the middle of the day, is just goofy enough for me. Here is me with the certificate which bequeaths the title "Phaal Curry Monster" to yours truly:

Wow, now that I see it on an actual computer screen, not just my phone, I realize how puffy my eyes were! I was crying like a bitch, but dammit, I ate it!
I was recently hired as an assistant musical director/conductor/accordionist for the world premiere of a Vaclav Havel operetta, to be performed June-July!!!! This is so cool, as I have NO experience being a musical director. I did take a required conducting class in undergrad, but I was stoned every day. I haven't even touched a piano in over a year, so I better get practicing! We had one rehearsal, and next week I'm going to be accompanying. I wish we had playwright presidents, instead of talking heads.
Speaking of being stoned every day, yesterday, while busking, a gross MTA worker handed me a tip, with the caveat "I'll give you this two dollars in change, if you promise not to buy drugs with it." For a second, I felt insulted, and responded "I'm not a hobo, dude." But then, I was flattered! I didn't realize I looked like a junkie! But then I realized how stupid of a comment that was. What drug can you buy for 2 bucks? ONE weed?
Well, I guess that brings us up to date. I'll sign off with some random things I'm into right now:
--My own personal Banksy:

--I'm still obsessed with the song "Mein Herr" from Cabaret, since dumping my boyfriend a few months ago. Here is a clip from the original movie with ol' Liza, back before she became scary-looking:
Same song, as covered by the Dresden Dolls:
--I'm also obsessed with acquiring this CD. Did you know Dr. Kevorkian was a jazz flute and organ player? I did not. But I must own this. Soon.
--I need to learn something on accordion which utilizes both hands on the bass button side, for no other reason than it looks cool:
--GOING PINK!!!!! I want to so badly!!! I wish I could be more active on the site, but alas, I'm relegated to being an internet bandit, like now, and the mobile site does not work on my phone. I'd like to join the NYC group, I need to look into that. Any other suggestions?
The picture of me and Kermit reminded me of another picture with a certain celebrity. I believe he needs no introduction:

This is from 2009. One of my bands, along with the Blue Man Group, played a private function which he hosted. Note the wine stain on my boob.
Sometimes I feel I should paint the bellows of my accordion with Dr. Seuss's "Oh, The Places You'll Go". It would nicely complement the dental floss and electrical tape currently holding my instrument together.

I would really love to shoot you again -- how about we pow-wow over a date for the New Year? If you come up with the amazing location -- I will come up with the time and camera. Deal?
You really are the coolest.