From the most accurate source in the world, Wikipedia:
Street performance or busking is the practice of performing in public places for money. People engaging in this practice are called street performers, buskers, street musicians, minstrels, or troubadours.
When this is your primary occupation, even the most banal nights usually have something memorable to report. This exchange from earlier this afternoon:
Batshit crazy guy on subway platform: If you don't make love to me, I'll commit suicide right now. (fumbles around in backpack)
Me:...They got hotlines for that, you know.
Happy Spanksgiving, ya'll!

Street performance or busking is the practice of performing in public places for money. People engaging in this practice are called street performers, buskers, street musicians, minstrels, or troubadours.
When this is your primary occupation, even the most banal nights usually have something memorable to report. This exchange from earlier this afternoon:
Batshit crazy guy on subway platform: If you don't make love to me, I'll commit suicide right now. (fumbles around in backpack)
Me:...They got hotlines for that, you know.
Happy Spanksgiving, ya'll!