so get this right a normal Friday turned into the worste day ever hella drama and fighting I wound up in the ER my best friend went to jail what the fuck is really going on here appearantly I faked a seizure(was a panic attack with tremors) so the stupid mother fuckers call 911 when I said not too cops show up the hall my ffriend off to jail me in an ambulance to the hospital meanwhile everyone else is blameing me for the cops showing up.Fuck all that, I didn't call 911 on myself I didn't get the cops there they did, so how the fuck is it my fault? Well they have my cell phone either way wich means I have to get a new one YET AGAIN!!!!!! You know I'm a huge believer in KARMA and I know they'll get wht's comming to them, but I just don't understand how someone can turn their back on their friend someone they consider family .
I'll never understand people and honestly I don't think I'd want to, all I really want is to go 1 whole week without any drama as that so much to ask?
I'll never understand people and honestly I don't think I'd want to, all I really want is to go 1 whole week without any drama as that so much to ask?

Sorry that that happened to you. You know what they say "no good deed goes unpunished"
I am really sorry you are having a rough time