I've been having dreams that SG's were helping me prep for my first set. It's so weird. My first dream had all the OHSG's like Doctor, Patton, Radeo, Rourke, and King. There were even cameos by the awesome Alissa Brunelli and Missy.
I hope if any of them read this, by some random chance, it doesn't creep them out. haha I think I'm just subconsciously telling myself to make it happen. It's been something I've wanted to do for a long time. I just need to do it already. And that's what my second dream was about, it was Havana and Radeo telling me to go for it. =>
I need to get off my lazy ass and start working out...my goal is to shoot my first set within 6 months.
Edited to say: If you have not seen Sunshine's amazing set Blue Crush, go check it out now. It's amazing and I'll be pissed if it's overlooked!
I hope if any of them read this, by some random chance, it doesn't creep them out. haha I think I'm just subconsciously telling myself to make it happen. It's been something I've wanted to do for a long time. I just need to do it already. And that's what my second dream was about, it was Havana and Radeo telling me to go for it. =>
I need to get off my lazy ass and start working out...my goal is to shoot my first set within 6 months.

Edited to say: If you have not seen Sunshine's amazing set Blue Crush, go check it out now. It's amazing and I'll be pissed if it's overlooked!
good luck
you are gorgeous and have all around great taste in music which is noteworthy in my book..you'll get a couple O comments from this guy