Today I'm tackling one of the oldest philosophical questions there is: How can predestination and free-will co-exist?
...I'd rather be at Hell City.
Edited to answer the question above:
I concluded that predestination and free-will can not co-exist in their entirety. If there is 100% predestination, then there is no free-will and vice versa. The only logical explanation to this paradox is that free-will can be influenced by destiny. By that I mean we have the freedom of choice but there are certain times, especially significant crossroads in our lives, that predestination can influence circumstances surrounding the situation, therefore influencing our ultimate decision.
...I'd rather be at Hell City.

Edited to answer the question above:
I concluded that predestination and free-will can not co-exist in their entirety. If there is 100% predestination, then there is no free-will and vice versa. The only logical explanation to this paradox is that free-will can be influenced by destiny. By that I mean we have the freedom of choice but there are certain times, especially significant crossroads in our lives, that predestination can influence circumstances surrounding the situation, therefore influencing our ultimate decision.
I love writing papers on that question.
I feel the need to tackle it today, too.
I would love to hear what you come up with after tackling it, too!