There are 4709 sets in member review.

There are 5470 published sets.

I predict that within the next year member review will surpass published sets.

At the current publishing rate of one set a day. There are enough sets in member review to last until June of 2023.

However that date is meaningless; Most of the sets in MR will never be bought. Which I...
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I just don't understand why people seem to think that the federal government will do a better job of plugging the oil well in the gulf than BP is doing.

Frhliche Weihnachten!
thank you. smile you're sweet.
clearly you dominate me in the realm of awesomeness
It is interesting to note that the only way to see how many copies of a book are available at Paperback Swap is to add the book to your reminder list.
smile hi!!
We are 5 days into the month and I am already sick of hearing about breast cancer.
I subscribe to a feed from Jason Haley. Jason's blog is just a bunch of links to thing he has found, I am pretty sure that he makes his list prior to reading any of them. But Jason's feed reading habits are not what I want to talk about today. One of his links is.

TheCodeProject is a site that hosts user written articles...
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Ice 101 is better that Rumple Minze, but YMMV
Actually, I get three days off from work - though it only feels like two since I have rehearsals on Sunday nights... Damn it all.
The new interface here on the site has it good points and it's bad. For instance it is visually stunning, however it take forever to load over dialup. The tag system is horrible, it is beyond words how bad it is.(more on this if I ever get it written down.)

I also like the "Faves" page that says "neuromancer has no favorite pictures. How can...
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