Well Im updating this because on my last entry I managed to get to four pages of comments! Wow!
I havent really been up to much, just work at uni and revisionand god do I hate revision it is boring as fuck and I keep getting random 9 minute distractions!
I was quite stressed about it at the beginning of the week but my friend gave me his revision timetable and it isnt half as daunting now as I have daily targets, which I have managed to meet every day
I have just eaten a savoury muffin with tonnes of strawberry jam on it..god that is an amazing food! Ooo just the thought of it makes my mouth water, Goddamn I wish I had some muffins left!
I also seem to have some weird jam buying going on.I must always think I dont have any jam and buy some when I go to the supermarketbut I obviously already have some and now my cupboard contains several jars of jam!
Also I have been eating a lot of Weetabix, usually I dont like cereal, but I am finding Weetabix to be an oddly comforting food, if I need a little comfort I have a bowl of Weetabix with a hint of sugar.Hmm when I have updated this I think I will go get myself a bowl!
Also have an addiction to Philadelphia ( mainly on crackers at the moment).god I love it!
I am also in serious serious lustfor a pair of shoes! Dear god I want these shoesbut they cost 50 and I dont know if I can justify spending that much or even if I have that much to spend! But just look at them
I also tidied my room today, which has looked like an absolute bomb site since I got back from Manchester (which was a good few weeks ago now) and I couldnt be bothered to unpack so I just threw things everywhere. I turned my music on very loud and I put on some high heels and I danced about and tidied and I must say it is good for the soul, really lifts the mood!
So here is me done updating for nowleave me comments!

I havent really been up to much, just work at uni and revisionand god do I hate revision it is boring as fuck and I keep getting random 9 minute distractions!

I was quite stressed about it at the beginning of the week but my friend gave me his revision timetable and it isnt half as daunting now as I have daily targets, which I have managed to meet every day

I have just eaten a savoury muffin with tonnes of strawberry jam on it..god that is an amazing food! Ooo just the thought of it makes my mouth water, Goddamn I wish I had some muffins left!

I also seem to have some weird jam buying going on.I must always think I dont have any jam and buy some when I go to the supermarketbut I obviously already have some and now my cupboard contains several jars of jam!

Also I have been eating a lot of Weetabix, usually I dont like cereal, but I am finding Weetabix to be an oddly comforting food, if I need a little comfort I have a bowl of Weetabix with a hint of sugar.Hmm when I have updated this I think I will go get myself a bowl!

Also have an addiction to Philadelphia ( mainly on crackers at the moment).god I love it!

I am also in serious serious lustfor a pair of shoes! Dear god I want these shoesbut they cost 50 and I dont know if I can justify spending that much or even if I have that much to spend! But just look at them

I also tidied my room today, which has looked like an absolute bomb site since I got back from Manchester (which was a good few weeks ago now) and I couldnt be bothered to unpack so I just threw things everywhere. I turned my music on very loud and I put on some high heels and I danced about and tidied and I must say it is good for the soul, really lifts the mood!

So here is me done updating for nowleave me comments!

Hope you're coping alright.
You should buy the shoes to congratulate yourself for all the hard work you're doing.
Oi! When it comes to shoes, there is no justification needed...I am a shoe whore, and pretty proud about it.
I agree, a clean living space is briliant. Finally, I have to say that I continually fail to find the type that my Nana (the one that is already deceased) used to buy, but one day I'll get it...Marmalade! There was a kind that she had when I was a little boy that has perpetually tormented me, and driven me to eat loads of inferior stuff in my quest to find the perfect one.
Hope the week is great for you. It's my last week before finals! Then...more classes