things that i've lost with my laptop being stolen:
> my latest showreel project file and master.
> my latest animation job.
> my music... lots and lots of it.
> all my harry potter audiobooks!
> every series of journey into space!
> the latest versions of two feature and two short film scripts i'm writing.
> a fucking ton of software.
> the last 3 versions of my website.
> a music video edit.
> possibly a friend (based on loss of music video edit).
more keeps cropping up as i think about it, so i'll try not to.
but anyway; i have an interview for taking the animation degree at ravensbourne uni in greenwich in the morning. but i am currently still at work (midnight and counting...) finishing things off because i slept in til 1pm today. my sleeping is genuinely starting to worry me about now. for three days of the last long-weekend just gone, i was awake for about 10 hours all told, and i am just always tired! i feel like i did during my last major depressive episode, just without the emotional side (fortunately, i suppose). but it worries me that it might be connected to a downer on the bipolar front so i'm now stressing myself about not falling down a slippery slope.
despite the moaning nature of this blog, things aren't actually too bad. some good things to reflect upon:
> sun!
> another long weekend to look forward to.
> my sister came to london on monday and due to robbery i had the day off so went drinking with her which was nice, and finished it off by watching back to the future at the prince charles cinema! (incidentally, they are showing bill and ted's bogus journey on the 1st of may - anyone keen?)
> an easter egg waiting for me at my mums!
> my boss booked me my ticket to cannes film festival.
> bought myself a ticket to terry gilliam's 'damnation of faust' opera.
i'll admit it - i'm unhappy with the structure, pace, tone and content of this blog, but fortunately/unfortunately (delete as appropriate) too tired to do anything but post it.
and on that note...
> my latest showreel project file and master.
> my latest animation job.
> my music... lots and lots of it.
> all my harry potter audiobooks!
> every series of journey into space!
> the latest versions of two feature and two short film scripts i'm writing.
> a fucking ton of software.
> the last 3 versions of my website.
> a music video edit.
> possibly a friend (based on loss of music video edit).
more keeps cropping up as i think about it, so i'll try not to.
but anyway; i have an interview for taking the animation degree at ravensbourne uni in greenwich in the morning. but i am currently still at work (midnight and counting...) finishing things off because i slept in til 1pm today. my sleeping is genuinely starting to worry me about now. for three days of the last long-weekend just gone, i was awake for about 10 hours all told, and i am just always tired! i feel like i did during my last major depressive episode, just without the emotional side (fortunately, i suppose). but it worries me that it might be connected to a downer on the bipolar front so i'm now stressing myself about not falling down a slippery slope.
despite the moaning nature of this blog, things aren't actually too bad. some good things to reflect upon:
> sun!
> another long weekend to look forward to.
> my sister came to london on monday and due to robbery i had the day off so went drinking with her which was nice, and finished it off by watching back to the future at the prince charles cinema! (incidentally, they are showing bill and ted's bogus journey on the 1st of may - anyone keen?)
> an easter egg waiting for me at my mums!
> my boss booked me my ticket to cannes film festival.
> bought myself a ticket to terry gilliam's 'damnation of faust' opera.
i'll admit it - i'm unhappy with the structure, pace, tone and content of this blog, but fortunately/unfortunately (delete as appropriate) too tired to do anything but post it.
and on that note...
Argh! No backups then? I feel for you dude... 

ahhhhhrrr that sucks!
i'm sorry for you, mousey. good luck with the interview. ooooh tell me how the gilliam opera goes!