The Basics
Hair Color: Brown, with sun and chlorine high lights.
Eye Color: Boring brown, how I wish they were hazel or green.
Height: two inches too short to be runway material so I was told in high school...
Profession: Shit shoveler and animal chew toy.
Religious Views: Darwin was right.
My Favorites
Favorite Color: Green and lavender.
Favorite Car: Eh...hybrids I suppose.
Favorite Movie: ... Can be debated depending on my mood.
Favorite Hobby: Sex and sleeping, in that order mostly.
Favorite Song/Singer: Always changing.
Favorite Book/Author: Anything by Bradbury.
Favorite School Subject: English and Bio.
Favorite Restaurant: .... Still looking.
Favorite Animal: Bats.
Favorite Celebrity : Pooh.
Favorite Childhood Friend: My teddy bear ( I was a loner).
Favorite Childhood Memory: Sitting under the table listening to the grownups talk forgetting that I was there.
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: Depends on what is being consumed. Not too big of a fan of chocolate.
Big Mac or Whopper: Garden Burger please.
Coke or Pepsi : Sprite.
Beer or Wine: Beer.
Coffee or Tea: Tea, unless the coffee is with bailys.
Apple Juice or O.J.: Orange
Summer or Winter: Fall.
Windows or Mac: Mac.
Cats or Dogs: Dogs.
Boxers or Briefs: Comando.
Rain or Shine : Both are nice actually.
Chips or Popcorn: Pretzels or crackers.
Salty or Sweet: Mmmmm, salty and sweet
Plane or Boat: Where are we going?
Morning or Night: For?
Movie or Play: Movie I suppose.
Walk or Drive: Both
Money or Love: Love.
Breakfast or Dinner: breakfast for dinner.
Forgiveness or Revenge: Depends on the action.
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint.
Do You?
Have Any Pets: Several.
Have Any Children: No, one day.
Smoke: No thank you.
Exercise: Not as much as I'd like to.
Belong To Any Organizations: Yes.
Love Your Job: It has its moments.
Like To Cook: I like the idea of cooking - skill level isn't what I'd like it to be.
Play An Instrument: A few, yes.
Sing: I've taken lessons.
Dance: I was a ballerina at one point in my life, now I only dance drunk in the dark.
Speak Multiple Languages: I can pretend, I'm still working on English though.
Swim: I learned how to swim before I knew how to walk.
Paint: Like the walls, sure.
Write: I can.
Ski: I'm not much for snow.
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: It's been said that I've stolen a few guys from others... when I was little, I stole a pack of gum from the store.
Been Drunk Before Noon: Yes.
Had Sex In A Public Place: Yup.
Got Caught Telling A Lie: No.
Got A Speeding Ticket: Nope.
Been Arrested: Nope.
Littered: I try not to, but I'm sure it has happened.
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: Yup.
Cheated In A Relationship: Yes.
Failed A Class: Math and I aren't the best of friends.
Eaten Food Off The Floor: Yes.
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: Not after getting stuck to someone else's gum.
Wished You Were Someone Else: At times.
Cried During A Movie: Yes.
Describe Yourself In One Word: titillating, maybe?
Biggest Fear: being taken advantage of - losing myself.
Biggest Mistake: See biggest fear.
Your Proudest Accomplishment: Graduating.
#1 Priority In Your Life: Happiness, and making others happy.
Dream Job: Mattress or sex toy tester.
Special Talents: If I tell you, I have to kill you.
Where Are You Right Now: On the couch.
Where Would You Rather Be: In bed cuddling.
Famous Person You Want To Meet: Your mom.
Place To Visit Before You Die: Too many to list.
Song Played At Your Funeral: Mozart's Requiem