I'm so tired. Still taking an ass whippin', as we say here in the south, from day to day. Thanks life.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Bitch session...Hey, I spoilered it. Still trying to make a living.... It IS Florida. Maybe I'll have to make some runs to Miami from time to time.

I kid. But seriously, I'm holdin... My number is 555-555-5555. OK... But really, it's been a mother fucker. I'm off a good diet. I'm eating absolute garbage. I don't think I've eaten a piece of fruit in weeks... Ha, no, really. I feel like poop. It's been a real experiment with different diets this year & it is so true that you are what you eat. I felt much better on whole foods. I wanted to ride the bike today but the fucking weather here was like fucking London. Damn Florida... It's 80 degrees one day, cold, dark and misting the next. I have gained weight & my sleep cycle is fucked... I mean, I take naps throughout the day and then get up for a while & then crash. I literally just give out and go to sleep where and how I am. I'm also feeling super sluggish. I can feel that I've gained weight, besides losing a belt notch in that battle. I'm not sure what the future holds yet. I guess, that story will be told around February. For now, I have to hold down some feeling of normality. I also need to figure out how to eat halfway descent food and get back on my road bike. Ugghh... OK... I'm watching the curser blink. That means I'm rambling.
Anyway... I am attempting to keep busy. I figured, I haven't loaded pics in a while. I haven't really had a proper blog, other than complaining about my current situation.... Fuck it, lol.
I will be loading a set with Ginary over the next couple of days....

..... I also have a set with Azera in post, working to get it loaded very soon, as well.

I'm trying to get out to shoot with some of you ladies but I am having issues... I'm really trying. I just do not have the disposable resources to go out of town, right now... at least not very far. 
OK... That is a happy blog for me, at this point.
Also, Casshas will be rolling up soon.

i love your happy blogs. how are you feeling now?
keep your chin up and do what you have to do to go back to normal in your personal life, the rest will follow.