What a week... To blog or not to blog....
I've been a stripclub DJ 15+ years. I've worked at the same bar for 13+ years. I was fired Sunday, via a text message that read,"Effective today, you are no longer working for Solid Gold." Pretty fucking heartless & shitty, right at Christmas with a family.
I was fired because the numbers were down. Wow! No shit. As a person who works on tips, I am well aware of that. They are down at every bar. Plus, ours have been down all year because the local law turned us from nude to bikini. (Also, you guys wouldn't know this but the owner of the bar is a paranoid delusional old drunk. He's honestly insane. I half expected them to call me back in to work but I guess not.)
Once, widely excepted as the best DJ in Jacksonville at the most money making club in the city's history to now...
Either way, as a 13 year employee, that was cold as shit.
You can't get a job during the holidays. I DO have the tattoo shop but I have only been back a couple of months, at best & ironically enough, it is the dead season for the tattoo business. I wouldn't even say I got my chops back up. I haven't done any real big, nice, custom pieces since I've been back. I'm working hard on getting old friends in & bringing in new people... which is hard at this time of year in a struggling economy.
I know... I know... I've heard it & thought the same... "It's for the best", "When one door closes another opens" & all that... I get it and I AM attempting to stay positive & pursue my arts; painting, music, photography & make a living doing something that doesn't drive me insane but the rent is still due and the tally this week...
Rent-$875 Tattoos-0. (Though it sounds all fuzzy to say I am finally away from the stripclub business, the cold hard fact is it's all about money... Mathematically, that is where life/reality will murder philosophy/drams every time.)
I'm filing this under,"Be carful what you wish for."
What a fucked up year. The whole thing has left me feeling pretty disenfranchised with the dream. It really has been one of the worst years of my life. This really was the best definition of the icing on the cake.
My whole life, I've felt like Clark Grizwold.
Well... take any of the first 3 vacation movies & that's my life... However the Christmas one has always struck a special chord with me.
That's all for now. Time to get a shower & go sit at the shop, smoke a cigarette & eat a Xanax. I'll either be homeless in January or not.
I've been a stripclub DJ 15+ years. I've worked at the same bar for 13+ years. I was fired Sunday, via a text message that read,"Effective today, you are no longer working for Solid Gold." Pretty fucking heartless & shitty, right at Christmas with a family.
I was fired because the numbers were down. Wow! No shit. As a person who works on tips, I am well aware of that. They are down at every bar. Plus, ours have been down all year because the local law turned us from nude to bikini. (Also, you guys wouldn't know this but the owner of the bar is a paranoid delusional old drunk. He's honestly insane. I half expected them to call me back in to work but I guess not.)
Once, widely excepted as the best DJ in Jacksonville at the most money making club in the city's history to now...

You can't get a job during the holidays. I DO have the tattoo shop but I have only been back a couple of months, at best & ironically enough, it is the dead season for the tattoo business. I wouldn't even say I got my chops back up. I haven't done any real big, nice, custom pieces since I've been back. I'm working hard on getting old friends in & bringing in new people... which is hard at this time of year in a struggling economy.
I know... I know... I've heard it & thought the same... "It's for the best", "When one door closes another opens" & all that... I get it and I AM attempting to stay positive & pursue my arts; painting, music, photography & make a living doing something that doesn't drive me insane but the rent is still due and the tally this week...
Rent-$875 Tattoos-0. (Though it sounds all fuzzy to say I am finally away from the stripclub business, the cold hard fact is it's all about money... Mathematically, that is where life/reality will murder philosophy/drams every time.)
I'm filing this under,"Be carful what you wish for."
What a fucked up year. The whole thing has left me feeling pretty disenfranchised with the dream. It really has been one of the worst years of my life. This really was the best definition of the icing on the cake.
My whole life, I've felt like Clark Grizwold.

Well... take any of the first 3 vacation movies & that's my life... However the Christmas one has always struck a special chord with me.
That's all for now. Time to get a shower & go sit at the shop, smoke a cigarette & eat a Xanax. I'll either be homeless in January or not.
That really sucks! Can't believe they didn't meet with you , and talk about it. Sounds like that club is headed for failure anyway . . . maybe its for the best. Good luck!
You have got plenty of experience try another club !! Perhaps a better one ! Im sorry to hear that!!!