Ummmmm... I don't have a lot to say today. Today is my Monday. Yep... I return to work today. I would call out but I guess I need the money. I have a family vacation coming up, lots of yearly bills due now & some expensive plans like moving & such... Most of the expensive plans depend on my selling of one of our cars. Though, It will be hard to in this economy. I can save the money if given a couple months since my big bills will be done in a couple of days....
I want to go surfing today. the swell died down but I'm sure I could take out the longboard for some fun. I'm in the mood to surf little laid back waves anyway. I'm sitting here trying to decide if I want to go or not. I think a Xanax should fix that, lol. If I'm going, I need to go soon. It's always much glassier in the mornings & I (allegedly) have to work today.
I think I'm going to raise my truck up a little higher. I have a 6" lift but adding another 4-6" would be awesome & go from 33"s to 39"s or even 44"s (depending on how much lift I want to add)... oh yeah... Cut me some slack... I AM from the south, lol. If it makes you feel better, I try to see how low I can get all of our other cars. Everything I've had for 20 years has sat on the frame. I need a stupidly high truck once in my life.
My bike riding is going well. My average speed has risen 2 mph. My cyclocomputer says I'm averaging 17mph... in a city situation. That's not too bad for my out of shape ass. I don't think that's bad for anyone. The same route on my fixie averaged 12mph. So, I'm coming up. I'm thinking about getting clip-in shoes & pedals to get more out of the energy I'm putting in but after a VERY expensive week, that will have to wait for a month or so... we'll see.
I'm hungry... i think I'll make a salad... mmmm
You've read this far... Wow.. You must be bored too. Sorry... I was just rambling about my thoughts. I know... I said I don't have much to say today.
BTW... If we discussed shooting or you have mailed me about shooting I WILL get back to you soon. I'm busy but I'll have more available time this week than last.
I want to go surfing today. the swell died down but I'm sure I could take out the longboard for some fun. I'm in the mood to surf little laid back waves anyway. I'm sitting here trying to decide if I want to go or not. I think a Xanax should fix that, lol. If I'm going, I need to go soon. It's always much glassier in the mornings & I (allegedly) have to work today.
I think I'm going to raise my truck up a little higher. I have a 6" lift but adding another 4-6" would be awesome & go from 33"s to 39"s or even 44"s (depending on how much lift I want to add)... oh yeah... Cut me some slack... I AM from the south, lol. If it makes you feel better, I try to see how low I can get all of our other cars. Everything I've had for 20 years has sat on the frame. I need a stupidly high truck once in my life.
My bike riding is going well. My average speed has risen 2 mph. My cyclocomputer says I'm averaging 17mph... in a city situation. That's not too bad for my out of shape ass. I don't think that's bad for anyone. The same route on my fixie averaged 12mph. So, I'm coming up. I'm thinking about getting clip-in shoes & pedals to get more out of the energy I'm putting in but after a VERY expensive week, that will have to wait for a month or so... we'll see.
I'm hungry... i think I'll make a salad... mmmm
You've read this far... Wow.. You must be bored too. Sorry... I was just rambling about my thoughts. I know... I said I don't have much to say today.

BTW... If we discussed shooting or you have mailed me about shooting I WILL get back to you soon. I'm busy but I'll have more available time this week than last.
don't sweat it.
Not having anything to say has never stopped me before.
Oh &
what was that thing that Jeff Foxworthy used to say . . .