I had a shoot tonight for a friend & popped a selfie or two... I'll get to editing hers eventually. I posted this somewhere else but I don't have anything to blog about soooo.....
All the worlds a stage...
All the worlds a stage...

and then I did a judo chop on that stages ass!... hard to explain why right now but be sure, it had it coming.
OK... we were Kung Fu Fighting... (rough edit) This isn't what I was supposed to be shooting but it turned into this which was more fun anyway.
Also I still have sets that need love out there somewhere... (edit) Spam warning... I'm hawking my photography services .......................................................................................
Yes, sir... Atkins. My job is physically exhausting (I'm a nurse). So I found working out difficult. The beauty of it compared to other diets is you can eat as much as you want, long as you eat the right foods.
Nice! My hubby was on it several years ago and lost about 60 pounds too. It took me a bit to get adjusted... Would go on and off in the beginning. But now I'm right on the road.