Torye has her debut set coming out Saturday afternoon. Keep an eye out for it & give her some love.

tieranny's set is still in MR if you feel like throwin more love her way.

I'm also thinking about doing another heavily themed set. I have a couple ideas. I'm pretty sure they are all over the top but .... fuck it. A good set is a good set, purchased or not. I'm ready to have some fun & I think I do better when I'm being creative.
On a personal tip......
On my road bike, I did 40 miles in 2 days. Maybe some of you cyclist can do better but tor me, I feel like Lance Armstrong
...doping? Yes. I am also doping but I use performance impairing drugs. So, for me, I should get extra credit.
I'm loving my new Cannondale. I love my late night rides. I'm amazed at the milage myself.
I'm also pretty stoked at the prospect of moving.... not far... just away from here. New start, here I come. I've heard reference to me having a mid life crisis. I think I had a mid/late 20s crisis & I am only now getting it together. I remembered being like 28/30 & thinking I was freaking out... but I've always had anxiety issues. I'm at the point where .... there isn't a real EXACT opposite for the word crisis in the english language that i can think of....
crisis |krisis|
a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger
- a time when a difficult or important decision must be made
a word more like.....
xxxxxx |xx'xxx|
a time of intense tranquility, clarity, and/or peacefulness
- a time when you just couldn't give a fuck about difficult or important decisions.
I'm sure there is some eastern philosophy that has that word... a word that means fuck it, lol. I've been really stressed and I am discovering, I don't need to be.
sweet... I'm out.

tieranny's set is still in MR if you feel like throwin more love her way.

I'm also thinking about doing another heavily themed set. I have a couple ideas. I'm pretty sure they are all over the top but .... fuck it. A good set is a good set, purchased or not. I'm ready to have some fun & I think I do better when I'm being creative.
On a personal tip......
On my road bike, I did 40 miles in 2 days. Maybe some of you cyclist can do better but tor me, I feel like Lance Armstrong

I'm also pretty stoked at the prospect of moving.... not far... just away from here. New start, here I come. I've heard reference to me having a mid life crisis. I think I had a mid/late 20s crisis & I am only now getting it together. I remembered being like 28/30 & thinking I was freaking out... but I've always had anxiety issues. I'm at the point where .... there isn't a real EXACT opposite for the word crisis in the english language that i can think of....
crisis |krisis|
a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger
- a time when a difficult or important decision must be made
a word more like.....
xxxxxx |xx'xxx|
a time of intense tranquility, clarity, and/or peacefulness
- a time when you just couldn't give a fuck about difficult or important decisions.
I'm sure there is some eastern philosophy that has that word... a word that means fuck it, lol. I've been really stressed and I am discovering, I don't need to be.
sweet... I'm out.

You know how on your SG profile it always says Sign? The whole Zodiac this was big in the 60s and 70s but now it's more of a novelty. I dunno why they put that on there. Your zodiac sign doesn't really mean much these days.
Ooooh! Can't wait to see what other themed stuff you come up with!
And congrats on the biking! It sounds great. Makes me wish I'd get off my duff and do something.