Thanks for the love on tieranny's set "Barbie Shop". Extra special thanks to those getting my back with return loves on it.
She would make a great SG.

Also... Please welcome Torye. She's in queue & I'm sure will be active on the site in the next few days. Her set "ZombieGirl" will debut on July 14th.

I did get my new bike yesterday which is a fixie and is whipping my ass but getting good exercise. Got the BMX back from the tuneup & I'll be on it plenty too.
I didn't cut my hair yet, lol... eventually. Maybe I'll have to get drunk first.
I don't have a lot to blog about... So, I guess this is it.
Support your local non-staff photogs.

Till next time

Also... Please welcome Torye. She's in queue & I'm sure will be active on the site in the next few days. Her set "ZombieGirl" will debut on July 14th.

I did get my new bike yesterday which is a fixie and is whipping my ass but getting good exercise. Got the BMX back from the tuneup & I'll be on it plenty too.
I didn't cut my hair yet, lol... eventually. Maybe I'll have to get drunk first.
I don't have a lot to blog about... So, I guess this is it.
Support your local non-staff photogs.

Till next time
Oh come live with us! Southern California needs you guys 

LOVE your Barbie Shop set! Fucking RAD!