Too bad I don't get HBO, I've heard such great things about that show. That clip just whetted my appetite.
Getting back to a previous topic. I have a descent record collection from way back, but my turntable died 20 years ago so I haven't done anything since. I was discussing with June the merits of spending the money on hardware to listen to my old stuff vs. trying to find the music in mp3 form. I'm hardly ever home to listen to vinyl, vut there are many benefits beyond the music itself to collecfing vinyl. She had a solution that was the best of both worlds. A kickass turntable with line out ( not like the cheesy ones in the department stores).
Getting back to a previous topic. I have a descent record collection from way back, but my turntable died 20 years ago so I haven't done anything since. I was discussing with June the merits of spending the money on hardware to listen to my old stuff vs. trying to find the music in mp3 form. I'm hardly ever home to listen to vinyl, vut there are many benefits beyond the music itself to collecfing vinyl. She had a solution that was the best of both worlds. A kickass turntable with line out ( not like the cheesy ones in the department stores).