I love that when i lay in bed late at night and open my eyes my room is completely pitch black.
The most intense best friendship I had lasted 3 years. I miss Sean Dutton.
I live with 3 people none of whom i knew when I moved to Sydney. I have so much love for each of them.
Seventeen year old me would be very proud of 24 year old me. I've achieved far more than i ever dreamed.
So what's next ?
The most intense best friendship I had lasted 3 years. I miss Sean Dutton.
I live with 3 people none of whom i knew when I moved to Sydney. I have so much love for each of them.
Seventeen year old me would be very proud of 24 year old me. I've achieved far more than i ever dreamed.
So what's next ?

That's great that you feel like your moving forward man 

One of the good tings about share housing is the new friendships you can make,good to hear your setteling in ok.We should sort out a drink sometime.