ive been slamming lots of doors this week ! im really on edge and grumpy. its probably because i havent had a day off in a couple weeks and i work really long hours. i work at his majesty's theatre as the assistant head of lighting.. its a rad gig so i shouldnt complain... i just need to sleep more !!!!
i bought this and its amazing !!!!!!!!! experimenting with juice recipes has turned into quite a hobby of late !!

and in the very near future the girl will be coming home from london.. ill be much less on edge when she's home

i need sleep

You work at his majesty's? I used to work at the Aroma Cafe in Cloisters Square.
And I get all my piercings at Primal Urge. So close. So small. Haha.
I hope u feel better soon muffinhead xx
When is ur girl home?
How cute is she in the suitcase?! Lol, adorable.
Keep smiling, the sun will be here soon! x