Today I wanted to scream and so I did a few times. I actually stood there and just yelled in frustration and irritation and wanted to put a hole in a wall. I felt sensations that I haven't felt in a long time. I wasn't really angry, just frustrated. I felt like I was about to lose something that I wanted for a very long...
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This Next Weekend

It's going to be amazing. I can't wait. I'm freaking excited as hell. I'm getting hotel reservations in the next day or two and then it's ON from there. I am going to surprise Moxy with a trip to a famous landmark place near a certain thing she has been wanting to see. Hint hint hint.....this is GOING TO ROCK!!!

!!! I'm...
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I had a good weekend and a good Sunday. The first half of Sunday was lame. I didn't seep for shit the night before and none of my friends were awake to do anything. Pussies. I went up to Fresno to hang out with Bobby and her new man toy. The dude is cool. I thought he was a fruit cake at first, but now...
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Had a bad ass time in Fresno Friday night. I'm hoping to have pictures soon. The girlfriend has them all on her camera and of course I forget my thumb drive like a noob. It was a great time though. I ran around like a goof ball snaping pictures everywhere. It was a crazy ass party comlete with drama and emo kids, people playing beer...
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Heh, thanks... better to find out now than later, I guess!
Pooooooooopdeck!!!!! What it do? Be my friend, yo! Glad you had fun at mi casa.


Can't sleep. I'm going to Fresno today to take Sanders to get his tattoo and to see Moxy. We're going to carve pumpkins. I'm so excited that I can't sleep. We're also going to a party of sorts tonigh. I am going to call a cab to take us there and I am drinking for once. I'm going to get schnookered. I haven't been drunk...
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An apt title for this blog I'd say. Last night I Moxy and I went to the Cheesecake Factory and had a nice dinner in their dimly lit atmosphere. It was really nice. If we ever go there again we'll have to sit outside near the fountain. It's gorgeous really. We picked up some pumpkins too to carve on Halloween and put out on...
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I Poop on Your Deck

Ok so I had a good day at work last night. I was tired as hell for the first 4 hours but then I talked to a few people on the phone and said some crazy shit to them and now I feel great. The problem with that is that I am now wide awake and I have to be...
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This weekend was the shit. I had such a good time. Bobby, Jake, Moxy and I all went to a hella good party. I grabbed Moxy Suicide's camera and took about 200 HD pictures. It was great.

I'll post more when I get some of the picture files but here is one of my favorites. This is of Moxy and I. Aren't we hot? She...
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i will be sure to tell him high five next time... hahahah and he will think i am crazy but then i will tell him you approved of his set and he will laugh....you are soo nice.. thank you for your kind words on my set!!! i have two others waiting to come out so keep your eyes peeled... they are all done by the same photog!!!
hey sillyyyy sleepy. hope u have a good day

Just got off work and am going to fresno to see Moxy and go to a Haunted House which I have been wanting to see for forever. It's going to be crazy. I haven't been to one since I was probably seven.

Work sucked my balls today, but I'm not going to focus on the negative aspects. I'm just going to let that shit go....
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we wouldnt take her seriously or even do the tattoo ont he bottom of her feet. you literally have to be bored...and work in a shot to even talk anyone into even wanting to do that.

its kinda irritatiing when i feel like people dont take our profession seriously...