Maegan June Crum and I got married on Christmas Eve.
I met her more than a year ago at a Halloween party at my friend Andy's house. I was infatuated and was hitting on her in a huge way right off the bat. She was very pretty in her kitty kat outfit with her little ears and her shiny bow tie necklace. And she was...
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I met her more than a year ago at a Halloween party at my friend Andy's house. I was infatuated and was hitting on her in a huge way right off the bat. She was very pretty in her kitty kat outfit with her little ears and her shiny bow tie necklace. And she was...
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Oh, yay!!<3<3<3 Congrats

I got married on Christmas Eve to the woman of my dreams. It happened at my grandma's house in front of a Christmas tree, with my good friend Fico presiding. It was the best moment of my life.
Pictures will be posted soon.
Pictures will be posted soon.

congrats hottie!!!! I cant wait to hear details
Leaving Town
As of tonight I will be traveling to Michigan. I arrive in Detroit sometime tomorrow and will not be home until the 26th. I'm going to try to post updates on here as much as possible and still reply, but I am not to sure how happy my family will be with me logging into a "porn" site, so we will see.
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As of tonight I will be traveling to Michigan. I arrive in Detroit sometime tomorrow and will not be home until the 26th. I'm going to try to post updates on here as much as possible and still reply, but I am not to sure how happy my family will be with me logging into a "porn" site, so we will see.
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Hey Matt!!! Make sure you check out my set, but not in front of your mom! Thanks!
Have a great holiday and vacation!!

I'm late but I wanted to thank you for your sweet comment about our multi with Ginary. 

Adventures in Fallout 3
I was trying my best to find the group known as the Family when I finally stumbled upon their lair of all things by total accident. I was walking through a burned out subway when I started getting hit by booby traps of all kinds. I knew I was close. I found them in a short while and sweet talked the...
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I was trying my best to find the group known as the Family when I finally stumbled upon their lair of all things by total accident. I was walking through a burned out subway when I started getting hit by booby traps of all kinds. I knew I was close. I found them in a short while and sweet talked the...
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I see that you like NIN. You should join the NIN group.

num nummmmm numm num num huh?? hahhahah too funny... well i cant wait for u to see the new set either cause it is my fav set thus far.... but even more exciting is my lakeview park set will be live and front page tomorrow... holy crap that is exciting for me!!! So did you ever bake me those cookies... cause i have been patienly waiting by the mail box in the freezing cold for them...and all my fingers and toes have fallen off from frost bite in the process..... so umm yeah... hahahhah soooooooooo jk!!
Ok I am horrified. I just saw the worst thing I have ever seen on the internet. Far worse than two girls one cup. It involed a glass jar, someone's asshole and about a gallon of blood. Real blood. I think the person in the video has to be dead. It made me cringe so bad that I am shaken to the core and am...
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I was looking at Harvest Moon DS, but thanks for the link I found the other game on there as well.

Thanks so much!!! I look forward to those cookies!

I'll be in San Diego until Friday.
ooooh, El Centro? Good luck! I would say we can hang out, but el C is not that close to San Diego. You should try and see the Salton Sea while you're down there, though. It looks pretty awesome.
the internet's a soul-killer. watch out.
I changed my user name from Poopdeck to _Matt_ to more accuratly reflect the fact name is kind of actually Matt so wtf am I trying to explain.
I'll have a huge and exasperated post with details on how great and amazing my weekend is soon, to include Thanksgiving, a drinking party on Thursday and Friday and a trip to Knott's Berry Farm on...
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I'll have a huge and exasperated post with details on how great and amazing my weekend is soon, to include Thanksgiving, a drinking party on Thursday and Friday and a trip to Knott's Berry Farm on...
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Aww, thanks!!!

It's totally worth it. But, def. play in a well ventilated area! Otherwise you'll be passes out like a rock star--rather than partying like one.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
I hope that everyone gets a great meal and spends their time with people that love you and have the best Turkey Dinner and Thanksgiving that you have all had in your entire lives.
I for one am going over to my old Division Chiefs house and having a huge meal with him and his family and will be playing Wii...
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I hope that everyone gets a great meal and spends their time with people that love you and have the best Turkey Dinner and Thanksgiving that you have all had in your entire lives.
I for one am going over to my old Division Chiefs house and having a huge meal with him and his family and will be playing Wii...
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You have an adorable cat.
One of my cats has decided that she really enjoys eating bread. haha.
One of my cats has decided that she really enjoys eating bread. haha.
When you break ALL, not some, ALL organized religions down to their most basic, fundamental, foundational parts, they all start looking like the cult and bamboozlement example of Scientology....they're all based on a master/slave servitude (in which you are FORCED, for eternity, to love an unknowable being whom you FEAR), and the complete subjectification of women (New Testament, 1 Corinthians, Chapter 14, verse 34-36 reads "As in all the congregations of the saints, 34 women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church"). Contemporary preachers don't like to preach about the old testament much, because they would then have to account for all of the slavery, rape, torture, human sacrifice, honor killings, incest, and genocide enjoined on Moses by god's own words. The above "scripture" is from the NEW TESTAMENT.....all organized religion is nothing but the purest form of ancient hatred, misogyny and religious bamboozlement that was originally presented to and in some cases forced upon illiterate, sheep hearding peasants in bronze age palestine at a time when EVERYONE on Earth was completely ignorant about biology, chemistry, anthropology, cosmology, and the rest. We should conform to their notions of good and evil? I think not!! You should joint the Athiests group. I'm very passionate about this subject matter. 

This weekend will kick all kinds of ass.
-Turkey dinner with friends.
-Wii party all night.
-Night cap with Blu-Ray movies among friends.
-Birthday party for Misty.
-Rock Band 2 with stage lighting and fog kit.
-Bose Home Theatre at her place.
-Lots of Drinking.
-Sex with random women, I wish.
-Wake up early.
-Knott's Berry Farm and I finally get to...
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-Turkey dinner with friends.
-Wii party all night.
-Night cap with Blu-Ray movies among friends.
-Birthday party for Misty.
-Rock Band 2 with stage lighting and fog kit.
-Bose Home Theatre at her place.
-Lots of Drinking.
-Sex with random women, I wish.
-Wake up early.
-Knott's Berry Farm and I finally get to...
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i love cookies... suagr cookies wit icing are my fav!!! back away!! and thanks again for looking over my set and leavin it some love!
Your weekend sounds fun, except for church. I'd rather do poke myself with needles instead of church! Just kidding, I guess I could hack it.
And, you're right! Be positive, drama is tooooo much.
And, you're right! Be positive, drama is tooooo much.