So I am now a shift supervisor at my job, one of the head receptionists for the whole company, and one of the heads of another dept. This may come across as bragging, when really it just is for me to look at in the future, if I ever feel shitty about me.
It's super funny the impression that people at work have of me. As I have gotten closer to them, some have told me about a "walk" I have. About the way I pace around while on my headset solving a problem, or the way I attack stuff, while still looking out for the people that make our company survive. Confidence is the overall response. It's so funny. A 30 year old woman with an eating disorder, and huge feelings of ugliness and self worth issues, and I project confidence. Ha! Fooled them. Funny thing is, I am the most confident I have ever been.
I stand up for myself. I ask for what I need. I do what needs to be done. For me.
Like this weekend, huge beer thing with my favorite people in the world..and I'm cleaning the house, and writing music. Because I need to. Because it's a priority. Shit, going to a beer fest would be so amazing right now, after the shite week I had. Things have to be done. Whilst being bummed about the missing of things, the relief of responsibility is pretty awesome.
I'm having veggie chick'n nuggets, mashed taters and a sam adams. Feeling pleased.
Not sure how much longer I'll be round here. No drama, just think it may be time.
Silencia is so hot it kills me. I am lucky to have her as a friend.
Be well, fools
You do own a mirror right?
Bests always here or anywhere. I'm a huge fan of you.