You would think the title of a set would be subject to spell checking..
So yeah, I have been eating and drinking far too much since my trip to Portland, and I will continue to eat and drink too much. You know why? because food and booze taste good. So what if I'm a little squishy?! amirite?
Fucking donkey dong dance party, my neighbors have been having the loudest sex ever. ever I tell you. Like stupid porno sex. Real people don't yell the things that are coming out of his lady's mouth..I mean, I'm not exactly vanilla ice cream, but..come on. I've seen the guy too, he looks like Ron Howard's brother.
So I am off to spend the day at the Library after looking for work.
It is nine thirty in the morning, the sun is out, and I am going to take a long fucking walk. After my foot wakes up.
At lastly, did you know we are all stupid sheep for being sucked in and brain washed by the media, that we are being duped into thinking Obama will be a good president, and that if we really, really cared about our country, we would have supported Ron Paul?! Seriously, I love when people feel the need to say shit like that, out loud near me after looking over my shoulder and seeing me reading the news on my laptop, which happens to have an Obama sticker on the front of it. Sorry, sweetcheeks, just because I didn't believe the ROn Paul blimp was going to guide me to freedom, doesn't make me a sheep, or an idiot. I exercised my right as a citizen to make an educated choice. Fuck off.
So yeah, I have been eating and drinking far too much since my trip to Portland, and I will continue to eat and drink too much. You know why? because food and booze taste good. So what if I'm a little squishy?! amirite?
Fucking donkey dong dance party, my neighbors have been having the loudest sex ever. ever I tell you. Like stupid porno sex. Real people don't yell the things that are coming out of his lady's mouth..I mean, I'm not exactly vanilla ice cream, but..come on. I've seen the guy too, he looks like Ron Howard's brother.
So I am off to spend the day at the Library after looking for work.
It is nine thirty in the morning, the sun is out, and I am going to take a long fucking walk. After my foot wakes up.
At lastly, did you know we are all stupid sheep for being sucked in and brain washed by the media, that we are being duped into thinking Obama will be a good president, and that if we really, really cared about our country, we would have supported Ron Paul?! Seriously, I love when people feel the need to say shit like that, out loud near me after looking over my shoulder and seeing me reading the news on my laptop, which happens to have an Obama sticker on the front of it. Sorry, sweetcheeks, just because I didn't believe the ROn Paul blimp was going to guide me to freedom, doesn't make me a sheep, or an idiot. I exercised my right as a citizen to make an educated choice. Fuck off.
They have thongs though. Would you settle for satan near your hooha?
Squishy = cuddly
I'm trying to get back to the point of merely being squishy. Right now I'm way too rollie pollie for my own good. Dammit.