Politics: Ralph Nader pisses me off. He just doesn't know when to stay on the sideline for the good of humanity.
Sports: I skied hard all weekend & my legs are telling me all about it. I need to get stronger.
Weather: Still no snow to speak of in Colorado. We were supposed to get a good storm, but it just went around us. We are having such a pussy-assed winter. I want to hear the words "Winter Storm Warning" in every other weather report.
Legal Briefs: So it looks like I'm going to have to take legal action against the dealer who sold me my truck. I am so grumpy about this whole situation, I can't express it.
Sports: I skied hard all weekend & my legs are telling me all about it. I need to get stronger.
Weather: Still no snow to speak of in Colorado. We were supposed to get a good storm, but it just went around us. We are having such a pussy-assed winter. I want to hear the words "Winter Storm Warning" in every other weather report.
Legal Briefs: So it looks like I'm going to have to take legal action against the dealer who sold me my truck. I am so grumpy about this whole situation, I can't express it.

hope your week improves.
it was windy and sunny here today. thats what i like. sunshine.
hope your week gets better. hang in there.
that sucks about your truck... you should sue the pants off that guy.......