Despite recent events its seems i'm not going to get a break right now...i've just been informed that the people i'm moving in with next year have found a house. I mean really its perfect...huge living room, lovely kitchen, right near to my work and theres even a huge fuck off garden...but someone decided that its a good idea to sign contracts tomorrow at 2pm so i now have <21 hours to find almost 500... so not going to happen!
So then i see someones left voicemail on my's a very close friend of mine who was supposed to be visiting this weekend to keep me sane...but she reckons that she might not be able to make it as work are being arsey!
Ok...fair enough its not her fault and i dont want her to loose her job... so i tell her it's ok and then decide that its probably a very good idea that i go and take everything out on an unsuspecting squash ball...apart from my usual squash partner doesnt show for reasons still unknown
So i went for a very, very long walk and realised that the reason im taking everything so to heart today is because its my dad's 50th today and i'm not there...i really feel quite bad about it and i havent seen him in ages but i suppose i do get to see him in two weeks
Are valentines days always this much fun when you're single?
Sorry about the's probably best just to ignore the lot of it!
Executive decision: tonight i'm going to go out, have a few drinks, dance like a crazy person and fucking well enjoy myself! Sounds like a plan!
So then i see someones left voicemail on my's a very close friend of mine who was supposed to be visiting this weekend to keep me sane...but she reckons that she might not be able to make it as work are being arsey!
Ok...fair enough its not her fault and i dont want her to loose her job... so i tell her it's ok and then decide that its probably a very good idea that i go and take everything out on an unsuspecting squash ball...apart from my usual squash partner doesnt show for reasons still unknown

So i went for a very, very long walk and realised that the reason im taking everything so to heart today is because its my dad's 50th today and i'm not there...i really feel quite bad about it and i havent seen him in ages but i suppose i do get to see him in two weeks

Are valentines days always this much fun when you're single?
Sorry about the's probably best just to ignore the lot of it!

Executive decision: tonight i'm going to go out, have a few drinks, dance like a crazy person and fucking well enjoy myself! Sounds like a plan!

Hey, I hope your evening goes as well as it can.
Sounds like you need to unwind.

Good plan. Last Valentine's Day I was woken up by the Wolverhampton tones of my then boss telling me I was late for an important day at work. On the plus side of being single is that you don't have to worry about having an argument or anything, there's none of that pressure.