i have hauled my laptop to my mums house so i could update and check my emails.
it was a bit of a haul too cause i still can't find my laptop bag.
so where to begin...
- work has been crazy these past few weeks leading up to christmas. it's been fun but it will be nice to go back to normal.
- i went to a party in manchester on friday night which was a nice end to a stressful day at work. dodgerofjam, kit, kits fella danny and the lovely taneesha (who i'm very lucky to work with) were among the people there. kit and danny are stars and a half for picking me up from work and taking me with them. it was a great night. lack of sleep, going into manchester for a shopping trip on saturday and then getting the train back to leeds and going to my mums house ment that i slept for about 12 hours on saturday night! but that doesn't matter cause i had lots of fun.
- ooh, the set i shot of india has gone up so check it out and leave a comment if you haven't already.
- i'm looking forward to boxing day like you wouldn't believe. i get to hang out with dodgerofjam, india, paul and my bro who i haven't seen for far too long laura*
it's gonna be fabulous.
- pretty much all i listen to these days is elvis. i love it.
my christmas picks -
santa claus is back in town
marie's the name of his latest flame
little sister
kentucky rain
you gave me a mountain
steamroller blues
mean woman blues
i could go on but i won't
- new years eve will find dodgerofjam, india, paul and myself at josephs well. partying hard i hope.
i hope everyone has a good christmas. and a good start to the new year. i think that's the most important thing.
i'm feeling very positive.
it's my great friends - i love you all!
edited to add things i am looking forward to in 2007 -
(in a random order)
london tattoo convention
seeing alison
getting lots of tattoos
shooting some more sets for sg
amsterdam with dodgerofjam,india and paul
my days off in feb. hopefully dodgerofjam and i will spend a few days in manchester.
spending lots of awesome time with dodgerofjam
just more of the general amazing crazyness that has been my life recently
it was a bit of a haul too cause i still can't find my laptop bag.
so where to begin...
- work has been crazy these past few weeks leading up to christmas. it's been fun but it will be nice to go back to normal.
- i went to a party in manchester on friday night which was a nice end to a stressful day at work. dodgerofjam, kit, kits fella danny and the lovely taneesha (who i'm very lucky to work with) were among the people there. kit and danny are stars and a half for picking me up from work and taking me with them. it was a great night. lack of sleep, going into manchester for a shopping trip on saturday and then getting the train back to leeds and going to my mums house ment that i slept for about 12 hours on saturday night! but that doesn't matter cause i had lots of fun.
- ooh, the set i shot of india has gone up so check it out and leave a comment if you haven't already.
- i'm looking forward to boxing day like you wouldn't believe. i get to hang out with dodgerofjam, india, paul and my bro who i haven't seen for far too long laura*

- pretty much all i listen to these days is elvis. i love it.
my christmas picks -
santa claus is back in town
marie's the name of his latest flame
little sister
kentucky rain
you gave me a mountain
steamroller blues
mean woman blues
i could go on but i won't
- new years eve will find dodgerofjam, india, paul and myself at josephs well. partying hard i hope.
i hope everyone has a good christmas. and a good start to the new year. i think that's the most important thing.
i'm feeling very positive.

edited to add things i am looking forward to in 2007 -
(in a random order)
london tattoo convention
seeing alison
getting lots of tattoos
shooting some more sets for sg
amsterdam with dodgerofjam,india and paul
my days off in feb. hopefully dodgerofjam and i will spend a few days in manchester.
spending lots of awesome time with dodgerofjam

just more of the general amazing crazyness that has been my life recently
too much time getting drunk with piercers and sha
If you're ever stuck for a location for a girls set, you can use my shop. It's prettyful