why does everything suck? whatever
Am I having a bad day? Yeah you could say that!
Hey it's early - Plenty of time to make up for it I guess.

"My Sexual Life" Everclear

People you know
Try to tell you things
Bad things that you don't
Want to know about
Tell you tomorrow what
You did today
Just remember, it's a small town
It's a...
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blahxx Hope it gets bettersmile I just d/l georgebush part 1..good stuff..gonna d/l some more later..

speaking of my sexual life..haha I used to close my eyes at night time and fantasize that he was singing

"ya can you make me come?" to me..gaWD I am such a dork when it comes to that man..ya

oh! and while I was reading the lyrics to the 'gay bar song' I noticed he used the word "idiot star"

thought of you <3

hope your day gets better..I am off to work now
long time no post! whatever i have had so much fucking work to do for uni - sucks balls man!
I had another tattoo yesterday - pink and blue stars all over my right shoulder - getting it done was so fun! Alison from ultimate skin tattoo did it and she's so lovely!
meh ... i'll start posting more again cause I'm handing my project in...
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yay! i'm glad everything worked out well... can't wait to see your set! and i saw the pic of your tat, it's so cute. smile

allo luv smile my first suicide fiend smile I love your new tat also..Have you seem my stars yet around the clove portrait? they look similar but, are far from done..bleh
I slept for like 13 hours straight last night surreal that can't be good.
I just cut my self some bangs too, they look pretty cool, i haven't had any for years but i thought i needed a change. You guys might see them soon anyways.

~all you wanna do is dance round and fall like some idiot star~

Where in te UK you from? I'm from Newcastle.
How did the set go along?

Cherry xx
*yawn* so once again i did NOTHING today ... i got up at midday, made some chicken mexican stylee, and yes seriously that was about it.
I gotta do work for uni i guess but i can't be bothered. i'm SO lazy whatever i watched this movie on tv last night called 'fear' and it was suposted to be a horror but it was kinda funny....
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Avril isn't that bad to be honest, but OLP is much better! Oh well, have to see if the lead singer of the Harpies is single when i meet them in a couple of weeks. Mmmmmmm.....
i bet i'd whoop your ass on tony 4.
with one hand!
i read daily bread. or be-mag. thats all i'll say.
you'll lose any respect you might've had for me now.
shefield is ok suppose. getting sick of it now. bin here for nearly 3 years methinks. my girl is at uni there. another year to go and we plannin on moving to leeds funnily enough. sheffields good in small doses.
leeds scares me though. the tramps there are hardcore. but otherwise that place rocks. i spend too much in that city. exit, route, wrc, ace, ark, chimp etc.
i hear the sonic sound of brakes
as i hear you wisper in my ear
hold your head between my sweaty hands
shout loud for all hear
anita say the word
i smell gasoline and i feel the heat
as we make love standing up
in the ally that runs behind my street
glow and crumble girl
i want you but i don't want your...
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woo just got it!! i'm so happy for you biggrin and i just emailed you back.

congrats congrats! kiss
Is that a poem or a song? It's wicked man! Good stuff smile

i'm sad today cause my cat had to have an operation cause he keeps getting an ear infection and i called the vet to check he was okay afterwards and she said they had to remove the whole ear canal and ear drum! eeek my poor little cat! i hope hes okay, the vet said she thought he was gonna be okay but at the moment...
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no, that's not small at all. i'd say a poifect size. screw what they think! smile
if i were being crude:
more than a handful is a waste!
34B is great
my girl is a 36DD(36E if you ask me) and i don't know what to do with em! i love em to bits though, can't get enough of em, though i'm sure you didn't need to know that!
just a question if you don't mind, does your boyfriend know your on this site? what does he think?
just watching the richard taylor interviews.
so funny biggrin shit in a jar LOL
changed my piccy.
bidding on stuff that i don't really need on ebay.co.uk
so my friend came over and we started watching mallrats (it was his choice) and then half way through he fell asleep! how insulting! eeek its a great film!
Watched Niagra earlier, Marilyn is (or should i say was?) a...
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useless knowledge rocks!
my friend went to the same school that queer as folk was shot at.
what famous person? I need to know goddamnit! LOL biggrin

hey best of luck with the SG application! y'know if you ever need someone to advise you on like pictures for submissions n' stuff you need look no further! biggrin cuz i know about this stuff, i have a masters in sex photography (got it off ebay for 25 bucks! w00t!). but you seem to have a unique look and we need more UK SG's! damn them pesky yanks!

i slept all yesterday afternoon. til 7.45. i'm going to write a big ol' journal entry about it in a bit...
i started back at uni today and it made me wonder why i was looking forward to going back.
it seems like all we do is sit around and wait for lessons to start.
I had to be in at 10am for a 40 minute (if that) lesson, my next lesson was then at 3pm mad
and i've just eaten a whole box of cherrys and...
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I don't think being a bloodlusting pacifist is that uncommon amongst film fans, so ya shouldn't fret too much, its all about the catharsis, and plus if you're into photography you probably appreciate the visuals/aesthetics as much as the actual context within the plot... like Michael Mann films, his explosions and action scenes as are much for style as plot vehicles... same maybe goes for pretty much all the 'violent' modern day directors, such as fincher, oliver stone, aronofsky.... and probably all take a lot from a clockwork orange.

A fan of chuck palanuik books! i'm on survivor at the moment, i absolutely love his style of writing and the countdown idea is centre of forehead tappin' genius! hehe

[Edited on Jan 14, 2003]
hey cool pic! you seem to have that alluring sophisticat look down to a tee!

as far as requiem goes, i too love the split screen idea, i think i prefer the scene where Harry n' Marion are on the sofa petting, like there was no effort to match up the two parts but to show how like together yet apart they are at that point (i fink).. i also love the speedy drug taking cuts! but then i love all that film!
I'm glad I didn't order a t-shirt from the shop the other day cause now they are cheaper. yay me!! biggrin

i'm wanting a digital camera thou and I don't know which to get. Why are there so goddamn many?

go back to uni on monday
it's only been 3 weeks holiday but
it feels so much longer
i could get use to this whole doing...
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i do man i do ...
since i got an internet connection in my flat my days go-
here, kittyradio, ebay ... repeat
all fucking day! time goes so quickly its wierd i have seriously been online all day but it doesn't feel like it at all.
i think i might be starting to sound a bit lame now! LOL
i just ordered lip balm, hoodie, and tee from the shop and it's 01.45 AM so i'm gonna go sleepies.
night night and sweet dreams y'all smile
which university? eeek

+random things for today+

song : strawberry:everclear
food : bagels w/t cream cheese
tv : tarrent on tv
makeup : powder
lipgloss : body shop help ip protector
jewelry : plectrum necklace
okay, so I got my picture sorted out. It was the only one that I had uploaded to my PC at the moment and I put it up so that I can be lazy about taking another one. wink
i ordered some SG stickers yesterday and I was gonna order a tee too but I thought I better wait cause I don't have much right now....
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Wow, same language seperated by an ocean. 1=! - 2=@ - 3=# - 4=$ - 5=% - 6=^ - 7=& - 8=* - 9=( - 0=)

So what are you missing? Cuz I don't even have a British Pound symbol anywhere on my keybaord at all.
1-! 2-" 3- 4-$ 5-% 6-^ 7-& 8-* 9-( 0-)

wierdness! I feel totally old-skool cause I don't have a new keyboard with a euro sign on it!
Aw man today totally sucked! I'm actually looking forward to uni starting again next week cause I am SO bord!
I'm gonna put a picture up but I gotta find a good one and change the sixe of it and stuff so maybe tomorrow.
I'm loving this site thou.

We're loving you loving this site. See, it's all part of the circle of life. Hakuna Mata
Hey, just caught the Distillers a couple weeks ago and they kicked my ass! I'm working on a pic myself, but I lost the cord for my camera and it will be a few days before I can finangle a new one.