best quote ever

"don't muddy the waters to make them look deep"


I was late to work again this morning whatever I've just had a shower ... cause you all care I know wink lol

I'm watching Terror Firmer - again! - Ron Jeremy is so fucking cool! In that 'Freak of the Week' video biggrin biggrin lol

shit! now its raining! frown
my day
officially sucks

rain rain rain
so sad
rain suck!
dyed me hair this mornin, went 2 college, starts fuckin rainin! aaaahhhhhhh is there purple hair dye runnin me face or r peeps just lookin at me coz i got puurrple hair!
theres blondness unda the purpleness!
quote of the day

"they are the apples that fall and rot.
We are the trees."

one more

"When I have laid bait for deer, I don't shoot the first Doe that comes to sniff, but wait until the whole herd has gathered."

that is so sinister ...
Nottingham Trent Business School - final year! Roll on July! I won't be a student anymore though frown
you should write that stuff down
i have a little moleskin journal that i keep my favorite quotes in
good stuff
another lazy day for me!!! woo! biggrin
Did some studio photography this morning. I got to use unis new medium format camera with a digital back - it cost 32,000!!!!!!!!
i kept thinking i was gonna drop it or something!

Maybe it was a secret X-ray camera-machine-thingy and you just had it in normal mode. Next time you use it, I'd look for the special switch that lets you look through walls and people biggrin

*Laughs* I just read your profile. I bought [URL]www.bitchtits.co.uk - can you think of anything I can do with it?!

I love Everclear - Apparently a new CD is coming out - I'l have to check the web and get it before it gets into this country. I really like the World of Noise CD though, it was so... raw.

Radiohead are awesome. They're my favourite band, me and my mate Dave are thinking of shelling out 175 to go to Glastonbury just to see them - they're headlining the saturday love

I saw them in Belfast once - they were amazing. AMAZING. A-MAZ.. etc.

My tattoo, well it started out as a sort of tribal design I drew but then I had it freehanded until it was bigger. I'm going to probably expand it again soon... well when I have the money... Student loan in April should take care of that one!


I took a picture... [URL]http://www.evolutional.co.uk/oli/pix/back_armsdown.jpg



[Edited on Mar 06, 2003]
Actually, the film 'Fight Club' holds quite ome significance for me in many ways. It's a source of jokes and also some weird significance between me and varying groups of friends for different reasons.

A guy at uni and I call each other 'Bitchtits', 'BTs', 'Titchbits', etc constantly. In fact rather than refer to each other by name, it's always bitchtits. Must be quite confusing for anyone listening in *Smirk* I bought bitchtits.co.uk as a sort of homage to that. Not sure quite what to do with it yet though, so I stuck up a picture of Bob. hehe.

Another friend of mine, someone who I'd consider to be my soul mate - if that exists - call each other Tyler. Mainly cos we know each other like no other and can always guess what each other are thinking - it's the 'inside the head thing'. It's good. It works.

It's not just the voice that's raw, but the music and indeed the lyrics themselves. I mean all they sorta sing about now is happiness etc, well - they did in Songs Vol 1. Vol 2 was better, but I still prefer Sparkle and Fade and World of Noise because of the subjects he was singing about. He was having a completely shit time, his life was messed up and it's sometimes good to relate to that when something goes wrong. He just doesn't have that sort of life any more to sing like that.

Do you get a grant or a loan? I wish I had a grant - means I'd naver have to pay it back, hehe. I'm going to get a third nipple piercing too, I think. It's formed itself so there's some room left tongue

You got the new album from WinMX? You.. you... you... theif! You'd never catch me doing that *hides MP3 collection and pretends not to download the new songs*. I will still buy the CD though, just cos it's Everclear.

Radiohead - yeap, I think 175 will be worth it to see them - not just them but I love festivals anyway so that's definitely on my list!

heh. What a long post!

Tacos biggrin
~but there are no ideas - just stuff that floats around~

the freezer box in my fridge is full of ice
all i can fit in is one steak!
i can only open the door 1/4 of the way
and i can't be bothered to defrost it ...

i was just talking with some people online about coming from a broken home and wheather we...
Read More
so thank you
so good day
~i hear the hum in my ears
it keeps me awake sometimes
i can deal with almost anything
I'm out of my mind
when you're out of my sight~

new everclear album on monday!!!
doin' the happy dance, doin' the happy dance ... tongue
I applied for a job today
I am in need of another so badly
i am in so much debt cause of...
Read More
that was very sweet
what did you do to your hair?
i hate debt
i am in debt to the government
i had to dye my hair again cause the color had started to fade.
I bought an mp3 player yesterday - should be here in 5 days - mail order blows - i want it now goddamn it!
I'm just listening to the strangest cover of 'In the pines' ever! shocked
I feel so wierd ... i really can't describe how i feel ,,, just sorta...
Read More
you are such an everclear junkie - ha
i would love to take a peak at the dress you made
i have started thinking about making stuff when this job is over.
i can never find what i am looking for so i might as well make it myself. lovely
tattoos, who's tattoos
have a happy day
hi there wally
how are you
fine here
here are some pics that I took at the London anti-war march - I couldn't march thou cause I was down in London for work.
I developed/printed and scanned the photos really early this morning so y'all better damn appreciate it!!!!
joking biggrin biggrin biggrin
hope some one likes them!

photo 1photo 2photo 3

eeek check how many people there was!!!!!

so my dad has just discovered...
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where you been?
everyone should drive
get yourself learnin
but make sure you learn to drive on the right side of the road
you crazy brits
he he he
how is everything?
Started a new brief at uni today - fashion photography
not that bad really i guess
meh...I'll write more tomorrow


ello ms L
how the heck are you
what are you doing
show me some photographs
Hi, I Love Japanese Culture too, Do you know the Artist Junko Mizuno very Cute but Twisted.Cool Dolls too. James x
so ... my eye stilll hurts - i dyed my hair yesterday - well my bangs and a little at the front - they are now a purple/blue color. I bleached it first and I was quite impressed cause I managed not to get it everywhere.

i'm just watching shitty daytime tv and deciding which X album to buy from amazon.co.uk - i have no...
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Ooo good luck with the pictures if they got sent smile

hey babes..ouchy my tat is itchin like a beeyatch now..heh..

I don't know whats up with kittyradio but, Im so lame its depressing me..I have not idea what to do with all my insomnia..I was addicted..anyway..Katgrrl from the boards has a messageboard that alot of us are on now and, I'd love to see you there..My name is Lucid*Dream on there..so come join already!!![url]http://cgi.rapierrose.org/bb/index.php[url]

[Edited on Feb 17, 2003]

[Edited on Feb 17, 2003]
oh my god my eye hurts SO much!!!!!!!!!!!! mad
i don't know why but every time i blink ... ow!!!

I'm just listening to Sunshine (That Acid Summer) by everclear and I love it xxx
can't wait till the album is released i the UK - I hope they tour but considering how much capitol records suck ass they prolly won't frown

i have no energy -...
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youre into lomos! ive only fooled around with the four lenser. id like to get the regular one. have you ever used a holga? theyre wicked fun.
how's the eye?
I started reading Lallaby by Chuck Palahniuk today - I'm nearly halfway through it's really good. Can't believe it cost 10 tho eeek books are WAY too expensive,
this morning I went to China Town to check out all the crazy Hello Kitty stuff biggrin
My boyfriend has bought me some Hello Kitty ear muffs for valentines day - they rock!
meh .. i have to go...
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haven't read that one yet... chuckie has tooo many, and i'm still but a n00b... he writes all his books in like a matter of months, and lullaby in six weeks! SIX BLUDDY WEEKS! i couldn't even write my a-level essay on the blair witch in six weeks.

checked out one of his fansites today and according to one of those 'which character are you most like' quizzes, i am tender branson: http://www.chuckpalahniuk.net/author/test/tender.htm

... blergh, i'm off to kill myself then.
you can never force me to chose which radiohead album i like best. if i had to chose i would go with Kid A for now. but i will always have a soft spot in my heart for pablo honey.
so where do you live?
the project sounds - hmmm? ok. what did you shot?
i'm not really into the lomo stuff i have seen. it seems kind of silly.
but maybe i need to play with one
ok, changed my mind. i like lomography now.
must now spend money
must not