My hair turned out really cool. I think I will keep it this way for a while.
Everyone out there, let me know what you think...
I will add some more pictures in my folder sometime today, so take a look, if you want.
Other than the hair, I have plans on getting a new piercing here within the week. Just can't decide really want I want right now. I hate indecision! But it's one of my character flaws. We all have them though, so I don't feel like such an idiot half the time.
Well, it's Saturday and still I have no plans for my evening. I am hoping I will at least leave the house, but for something more than food. That reminds me, I need to look into a couple concerts that are coming up. I have to make sure I have enough money to fuck around.
Hope everyone has a good Saturday evening!
yo, whats goin on in your world?
Thank you!