Anyways, Think has an article of Kristol on TV this morning, likening their "war on terror/iraq" to the struggle to free the slaves and equal rights.
Yesterday, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) announced his candidacy for president in Springfield, IL, where Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous "House Divided" address. In his speech, Obama reiterated his call to redeploy U.S. forces out of Iraq by March 2008.
This morning on Fox News Sunday, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol attacked Obama's Iraq policy, saying he wants to appease terrorists like pro-slavery politician Stephen Douglas tried to appease slave-owners. Kristol said, "Obama's speech is a 'can't we get along' speech _ sort of the opposite of Lincoln. He would have been with Stephen Douglas in 1858."
Stephen Douglas supported the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision of 1857, and took the pro-slavery position that each territory should decide whether or not to allow slave-owning.
Never knew Kristol was such a supporter of the struggle.
But besides the obvious point here (Obama is black), how do you really compare the struggle for freedom for a large group of people brought to this country against their will to... um... this?
If we shoot enough dogs, the Iraqis will have freedom and peace!