Okay, I feel the need to vent right now.
I wake up, get straight to my computer to see how my set is doing, and my jaw drops. 91%? After only a couple HOURS? What is going on here???? Not gonna lie, it hurts pretty bad. My other set....NEVER hit 91%. It took a DAY to get under 96. I was convinced that this one... Read More
Your welcome , i came across you about a month ago .......can't put my finger on it , but something about you i find interesting.....all i know is that you go by the name Kobra and that your Hot....and for a guy, that's enough . so for you and my other chosen few i will continue to support , but hey, yall do all the work...all i do is reap the harvest of all the beauty this site has to offer....so why not show a little gratitude for all yall do.
Hey everyone. It's been a while. Been very busy at the shelter. It's OVERLOADED with kittens and we're promoting and spreading the word like crazy on Facebook. Anyway, something occurred to me. SG has gone soft. What do I mean? Well I guess it just seems like the set that are being bought these days don't have any kind of a rough look to them.... Read More
oh, and as for the story you posted in the comments on my blog, sadly it happens too often and to too many people I know.
another reason I really don't mind that I've had to quit drinking is it keeps me from ever even being percieved as one of those people. I always have my wits about me, I never find myself in potentially compromising situations. I dunno. Plus, for me I've never understood why someone would want to sleep with someone who is too sloshed to enjoy it, or even remember it the next day, not to mention being looked at the next day and knowing that you basically raped someone. I will never understand that kind of mindset. And I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. It's shit like that which makes it so hard to trust people.
Okay, so I feel the need to post a dorky photog kinda blog. I just went out on a little on-foot exploration around the countryside where I live, and I am IN LOVE with my new camera!!!! Oh my gosh, the pictures are all so much more vibrant and amazing! Found 2 ticks on me, freaked me out. Damn bastards!!! Gah, every time I run... Read More
I hate when ticks are on animals or kids even more than myself bc of them getting hurt little bastards so pointless -the ticks I mean lol
I totally get what you mean about outdoors! I can't wait for the rainy season to be done here so I can get out! It's sweet your volunteering like that! My free time is pretty limited right now but this weekend I volunteered to put up and take down memorial flags at the local military memorial
Are you gonna post the pictures from your adventures?
Yay for your new set! They must have moved it bc my birthday is that weekend! Yep all for me lol your so hot I can't wait to see it!!
Thanks for the responses guys. I am really looking forward to this set, it's GOT to do better than my first one.
Kittels, I suppose I could post a couple pics if you wanna see. Although I mostly just took close-ups of thistles...lol. They're GORGEOUS weeds.
Okay, so I had ANOTHER stupid sinus infection. And it cleared up just in time for the amazingness of today's anniversary fun. Guys...my boyfriend NEVER ceases to amaze me with his totally awesome surprises!! He got me... a Canon 7D camera!!!! I cried because I was so happy and in shock. First time a present has made me cry. He knew exactly what I wanted... Read More
Right so....today has gone to shit.
The kitten....is dying.
I didn't get the cysts removed. Why? Because I guess my family doc set me up with a consultation with a surgeon, it wasn't the actual removal yet. It gets better....the surgeon told me that he didn't feel anything. That there's nothing to remove. I kept showing him where and he was being an oblivious jackass.... Read More
Is it weird to post more than one blog in a day? Hah OH WELL
Thanks to everyone for all the kind words and encouragement! But hey, I want to remind y'all that I am a Hopeful who takes constructive criticism very well. So when this second set of mine hits MR, don't be afraid to tell me what you really think. And right now...I'm... Read More
Extremely beautiful! I also love the colour in the tattoos. I am trying to find the right word to describe the second photo...your look/face/expression is absolutely perfect
Okay, so I have things more pressing and important in my life right now than to worry about checking my SG account every hour...I'm going to take a much-needed break from everything SG in order to work on things that are most important to me. I'm going to see if I can stay away for a week and go from there. Love to all that... Read More
Went to the local karaoke bar with some new friends, had a great time. I guess it's been a long time since I've been, because I don't remember getting hit-on so much in my life! Lol. And me being the shy/nice girl I am, I didn't know how the hell to get them to shut up and leave me alone. Luckily one of my ladies... Read More