So i started smoking fake or electronic cigarettes, Its ok but not the same. I'm stressed because the new puppy and all so every once in a while i smoke a real cig.
In other news i got to witness the miracle of birth! It is not at all a birth control as everyone has told me it is not nasty or disgusting, It is the most beautiful thing i have ever had the privilege to witness. She gave birth naturally and made it look effortless which i thought was amazing plus she was smiling the whole time, well in between contractions she was smiling and talking to the baby saying " com on baby we can do this" she is my new hero!
I can say when he finally came out i was crying my eyes out and when i saw him i knew he was going to be spoiled
So on a new note my boyfriend went to a bachelor party and never came home so I will probably be single soon. i think of myself as a pretty chill g-friend i wouldn't mind if he would text or call and say hey I'm drunk i can't drive home or I'm gonna stay here but last time i talked to him he said they were waiting on the entertainment. which was kewl until he didn't arrive home
In other news i got to witness the miracle of birth! It is not at all a birth control as everyone has told me it is not nasty or disgusting, It is the most beautiful thing i have ever had the privilege to witness. She gave birth naturally and made it look effortless which i thought was amazing plus she was smiling the whole time, well in between contractions she was smiling and talking to the baby saying " com on baby we can do this" she is my new hero!
I can say when he finally came out i was crying my eyes out and when i saw him i knew he was going to be spoiled

So on a new note my boyfriend went to a bachelor party and never came home so I will probably be single soon. i think of myself as a pretty chill g-friend i wouldn't mind if he would text or call and say hey I'm drunk i can't drive home or I'm gonna stay here but last time i talked to him he said they were waiting on the entertainment. which was kewl until he didn't arrive home

electronic cigarettes??? what is taht!!!???????
Thats not cool....shame on him!