Having too much fun dying my hair, bright red.
So a couple questions: if the car industry is struggling why do I have to make so many parts per hour? jeez my arms hurt
Why is love so complicated? Is cigarette tax really called sin tax? Boxers or briefs? you tell me.
So a couple questions: if the car industry is struggling why do I have to make so many parts per hour? jeez my arms hurt

Why is love so complicated? Is cigarette tax really called sin tax? Boxers or briefs? you tell me.
Here is a pic of me and my best friend needless to say i was bored this morning and she really wanted to be pet,
I heard they are going to put horrible images on cigarettes along with raising the sin tax
Personally i prefer boxer briefs.
A sin tax is a tax on a product that the government feels is harmful to you in some particular way, the theory being to make said harmful product so expensive that you will no longer buy it thus removing the harm from your life. oh and yes you are correct, the federal government is going to start putting all kinds of nasty images on cigarettes starting next year.
As for love being complicated, well I'm still trying to figure that out, but as far as I can tell, if it wasn't so complicated, we probably wouldn't appreciated it as much when we found it, or at least that what I say to bullshit myself.