I feel like i am work all the time, It really sucks. I want to make the same amount of money but mot work as much.
I have no time for anything except going swimming, I take my one day off to enjoy the sun and water as much as i can. I don't get to see any of my friends and they are slowly slinking away. I have been enjoying the body working hard manual labor everyday is giving me, but what good is it if i never get to show it off? I got a bird to keep me company along with my pooch! His name is Wallace, but i call him wally He is a 3 month old nanday conure. I love him but he is freaking loud in the morning
Life has become mundane but my furry and feathered friends keep me happy!
I have no time for anything except going swimming, I take my one day off to enjoy the sun and water as much as i can. I don't get to see any of my friends and they are slowly slinking away. I have been enjoying the body working hard manual labor everyday is giving me, but what good is it if i never get to show it off? I got a bird to keep me company along with my pooch! His name is Wallace, but i call him wally He is a 3 month old nanday conure. I love him but he is freaking loud in the morning

birds are so much fun and funny ... but not always the best pet to have when you want to sleep in late hahah
I think you just described all of our wishes, I feel like i work constantly, and worse Im salaried