Hey lovers!
I hope life is treating you well.
First things first, my debut set is out on MR so i'd love to receive some feedback!
The truth is that the past couple of months were not that nice for me. Nothing bad happened. I just was lost in my thoughts, kind of antisocial and not that creative. So yeah, i'll pretend that these months...
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and i can't stop crying.
happy new year to everyone hopefully without the blues :) <3 :*
first of all i'm really proud about the music scene we have. of course there's plenty of shitty pop music but i guess this excises everywhere.
i don't know if it's just because it's my mother language and therefore i can feel deeper the lyrics or if the music is so wonderful like i think.
I just really feel bad cause i know thousands of...
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so i guess this is my first christmas-period on the site <3
i'm at home right now, in athens, and somehow i already miss germany. Most of all the language. I mean it's really sexy, isn't it? Definitely not as sexy as british but still.
It's been crazy here, we're getting drunk all day and i have to meet every single person i know.
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can't wait to see my family, my friends and my lovely dog <3
And to also share some pics with my sexy greek girls of course <3
wish nice holidays to everyone :*
there's no snow, no rain, there's sun everywhere and it's round 6 degrees.
tomorrow i am flying back home to athens, greece where it's supposed to be ultra cold, rainy and maybe snowy.
i mean what the fuck .?