I caused a bit of a stir with a very close friend. I let the emotions get the best of me and consume me like a wildfire which was a really bad idea. I was't thinking clearly. I was in react and attack mode. THat 's no excuse to act like an ass but it's the truth. I could've lost a very valuable friend but thankfully I didn't. I gotta keep my emotions in check. Maybe I'll get into meditating again. It's always done wonders for me in the past.
Inner peace, inner calm and inner strength.
I should get back to work now.
i can't wait till i get home so I can smoke up...
Inner peace, inner calm and inner strength.
I should get back to work now.
i can't wait till i get home so I can smoke up...

save me some of the smokey smoke stuff
[Edited on Apr 19, 2004 1:40PM]
I found it on some german site and it reminded me of you. yeah, big shocker.
here's another one