I closed at my restaurant for the first time tonight. For the record, it's a 24 hour restaurant, so we don't actually close, I just worked from 10pm til 6am instead of getting off at, like, 3am. But I kind of enjoyed it. After 3, there's really not much to do. I bullshitted with my manager for a bit, got to hang out with one of my favorite cooks, and made more money in one night than I have in I don't even know how long. All in all, a good night. Plus my manager said that I did a good job, which hopefully means more closes in my future. Like tonight. That would be awesome, because then I can keep my phone turned on.
Anyways, I should probably be getting to bed. Have a lovely day, SG land!
Anyways, I should probably be getting to bed. Have a lovely day, SG land!

Sounds like a great way to start the week!
PLEEZE LAWD KEEP MAH PHONE ON! I dunno what I'd do without it!