Alright. 9.5 hours down, only half an hour to go before I get to get the fuck out of here. Of course, then I have to go do my mom's hair and not stay up too late because I also have to work tomorrow, but hey, that's life. I'm running up to visit the boy at work before I head to my mom's though because I need to go buy yarn and such to knit christmas and birthday presents for the fam.
I got a court summons in the mail yesterday. If I don't come up with the past due rent that I owe before next thursday, I have to go to court. I really don't want to go to court. My sister owes me almost $700 though, and I talked to her earlier to see if she could get it to me before next week and she said that she might be able to. It's not like I don't have anywhere to go if I were to get evicted. I mean, my lease is up at the end of this month anyway. But I haven't even started packing and I have a bunch of stuff that I just straight up need to get rid of. Josh came over last night to just hang out and said that I was taking the possibility of eviction really well, but I think I'm just so far beyond caring about pretty much anything right now, that I'm almost numb. Between bills and work and trying to figure this whole move out, I just don't even know what I'm feeling at any given time.
I found out that there's a beauty school near me that has the option to have your tuition paid for and get paid to go through their instructor training program if you sign a contract that says you'll work there when you finish the program/that they have the option not to hire you when you finish. The chick in admissions that I spoke with said that they rarely don't hire their instructor trainees though. I would be SO happy if I could go back and teach cos. It's kind of what I've been wanting to do since I got my cos license. And then I could get out of this fucking shithole that makes me miserable.
That's about all I can write about right now, as I need to get the fuck out of here.
But here's a couple pictures, just for fun!
Anime convention:
Random hot picture that I took to send to the boy:
Alright. I"m out.
I got a court summons in the mail yesterday. If I don't come up with the past due rent that I owe before next thursday, I have to go to court. I really don't want to go to court. My sister owes me almost $700 though, and I talked to her earlier to see if she could get it to me before next week and she said that she might be able to. It's not like I don't have anywhere to go if I were to get evicted. I mean, my lease is up at the end of this month anyway. But I haven't even started packing and I have a bunch of stuff that I just straight up need to get rid of. Josh came over last night to just hang out and said that I was taking the possibility of eviction really well, but I think I'm just so far beyond caring about pretty much anything right now, that I'm almost numb. Between bills and work and trying to figure this whole move out, I just don't even know what I'm feeling at any given time.
I found out that there's a beauty school near me that has the option to have your tuition paid for and get paid to go through their instructor training program if you sign a contract that says you'll work there when you finish the program/that they have the option not to hire you when you finish. The chick in admissions that I spoke with said that they rarely don't hire their instructor trainees though. I would be SO happy if I could go back and teach cos. It's kind of what I've been wanting to do since I got my cos license. And then I could get out of this fucking shithole that makes me miserable.
That's about all I can write about right now, as I need to get the fuck out of here.
But here's a couple pictures, just for fun!
Anime convention:

Random hot picture that I took to send to the boy:

Alright. I"m out.
Is it tough to get a chair in a salon these days?
As to the rest all I can say is "Lucky guy."