SO excited this morning to wake up and have a message on myspace from my photographer saying that he hooked it up so that we can shoot in the best fetish shop in southeast Michigan (if not all of Michigan), and it looks like we'll be shooting within the next couple weeks!! Too bad he's in the process of moving, otherwise we'd be able to do it sooner! He also wants me to model for a dark art shoot that he's doing, so that should be pretty amazing too.
Then I logged on to check my bank account and ALL of my excitement from that myspace message went out the window so fast. Stupid fuckers at the bank are the reason my account is overdrawn but they won't do anything about it
so I had to call my sister and beg her for the paycheck that she owes me, which I hate doing.
Now I'm stuck sitting at work until 6:30 tonight with no food and no money to be able to go get food. Fortunately my boyfriend was sweet enough to come up here and surprise me with coffee from Starbucks so I can at least stay awake, but there's only so much that's gonna help with. I'll probably end up taking a nap in the office in a few hours, because I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep right now, and today is just not working out for me so far.
Then I logged on to check my bank account and ALL of my excitement from that myspace message went out the window so fast. Stupid fuckers at the bank are the reason my account is overdrawn but they won't do anything about it

Now I'm stuck sitting at work until 6:30 tonight with no food and no money to be able to go get food. Fortunately my boyfriend was sweet enough to come up here and surprise me with coffee from Starbucks so I can at least stay awake, but there's only so much that's gonna help with. I'll probably end up taking a nap in the office in a few hours, because I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep right now, and today is just not working out for me so far.
Oh I feel your pain dear I know what that's like. Good luck on your set and hope all goes well. Look forward to seeing it. Can I add you to my MySpace? Your bf eas very nice in surprising you how sweet!

Long live George Carlin! I loved his in your face humor and real take on life. Thanks for the support, I didn't realize so many felt like me. Thanks for the input