I closed at my restaurant for the first time tonight. For the record, it's a 24 hour restaurant, so we don't actually close, I just worked from 10pm til 6am instead of getting off at, like, 3am. But I kind of enjoyed it. After 3, there's really not much to do. I bullshitted with my manager for a bit, got to hang out with... Read More
I think that the drama that has manifested itself on this site is kind of sad, yet intensely amusing.
Why do people think that insulting someone over the internet is some huge win on their part?
*Note to clarify, before I get attacked by such people: I'm not claiming to have not been involved in commenting on said drama. However, I, at least, was there... Read More
Clearly she does....wow, Margate, i dont know you, but from all of this i do know that you go for the low blows in a fight, kind of like a small child. Rather than trying to deal with this like an adult you've vomited childish insults at anyone and everyone who disagrees with you all across the internet. If you are truely a victim, and i mean this, call the police and file a report. I understand you are feeling hurt and threatened, but you are behaving like a child flinging any insult you can think of at others, rather than dealing with this like an adult. And before you say 'oh you're just on his side' note that in all the other comments i've made, i have clearly acknowledge that he made mistakes in his judgment as well, but at no time do i believe it was a malicious attack.
You may now proceed to ignore everything i have said, and threaten me with insults 3of5 told you, because that's easier.
Hey! Sorry I haven't been writing much, kids. I've been a little busy. Plus, nothing all that exciting has happened. I work, I hang out with Tripp, and then I work some more. But we went to the bar last night, and he announced that he was going to marry me one day. Now, normally, after only dating someone for like 6 weeks, that would... Read More
Oh shit, another RahRah post where she talks about a new boyfriend?
Yes, yes I know. It's a little ridiculous. But this one is different. You know why? Because he's not a DICK. (AND, Dryad, Jhay and Margate have all met him and can attest to it). He's a raver, and I like him a lot. He wants to take me to a rave.... Read More
That's right, kids. It was me. First Fuck Face and then his best friend (so as to not upset FF).
Fine, whatever, at least I didn't fuck him and *then* get dumped. Basically he told me that he doesn't want to lose a good friend. It's cool. I know it wouldn't have worked anyway, because as entertaining... Read More
Annnd the Fuck Face drama continues...via text. While drunk.
At the bar he grabbed my ass and told me that he hates me sometimes, but he guesses maybe he deserves it. But I already knew he was the jealous type (I did?).
So I left the bar with Kev. Formerly Nice Boy or something like that. And I text FF.
aside from everything else.. you hooked up with, what, 2 dudes from work? I'm sure he's slept with way more coney girls, depending on how long he's been there.. Thats what the service industry is all about. haha. So, fo sho, he's the ho.