Hey, I just want to say thank you to everybody who offered me condolances in regards to my break up. It's surprising how much beter a few sympathetic words can make you feel.
I really need to move on, but I think I am going to spend the next few months working on bettering myself. I am going to start getting back in the gym and being more careful of what I eat. I am also going to start watching my budget a little closer and try not to spend so much money on dumb things I don't need. I am going to take a trip back home and spend some time with my folks sometime soon.
Anyway, once again, Thanks you all!
I really need to move on, but I think I am going to spend the next few months working on bettering myself. I am going to start getting back in the gym and being more careful of what I eat. I am also going to start watching my budget a little closer and try not to spend so much money on dumb things I don't need. I am going to take a trip back home and spend some time with my folks sometime soon.
Anyway, once again, Thanks you all!

I agree people need to make the best out of any situation. Sounds like you are trying to do as well.
OH yeah and I miss you terribly.