So last night... Whooooooie!
Well, things started out nice and mellow over at Bucca. A few people bailed on Sandman so we had a far bigger table than we needed. But that was okay, cause the food was great and the company was even better! Especially since they let me drink up everyone else's unfinished glasses of wine. I know that sounds a little gross, but it was really not like that.
Unfortunately we had to leave Bitten when we transitioned over to the Tavern on Mill. I personally had a financial issue that held me up for about a half hour. But once we got there and the booze started flowing it was nothing but good times. I got to meet Adric's very friendly and generous father. Who is not as intimidating as people make him out to be. I also met a couple of her friends who tagged along with us when we went bar hoping later on. Wonderful couple! I hope they come to some of our other events.
Eventually, after the bars closed down, we made our way to the after party at Conolly and Adric's hotel room. Main Event had to go home at this time and our party continued to get smaller. However, this was when things began to get crazy!! I am not going to get into too many details because I don't really remember them all that well. In short, we had toplessness, cross-dressing, breaking out of windows, lap dances, cake eating, bra removing contests, and Canadians! What more could you possibly want at a Party!?!?!? As we speak, there is probably a video of me dancing in a dress circulating the internet!!! But all in all, it was good clean fun, nothing happened that anyone would regret in the morning.
That night, Pacman and I crashed at Blanch's pad. The next morning, we had breakfast at a place called Howels where a couple of us were defeated by stacks of pancakes and we discovered what a Bacon Waffle is. No one tried to eat it, though.
Without a doubt, it was one of the most memorable evenings I've ever had. I only wish that more people could have attended. I would like to offer a mountain of gratitude to Adric and Sandman for allowing me to attend their birthday celebrations. I also want to extend that thanks to Blanch for letting me borrow one of her couches overnight. I really cannot express how grateful I am to have stumbled upon this group. These last few months, I have had some of the best times of my life. I can't wait for the next event.
That is all.
So last night... Whooooooie!
Well, things started out nice and mellow over at Bucca. A few people bailed on Sandman so we had a far bigger table than we needed. But that was okay, cause the food was great and the company was even better! Especially since they let me drink up everyone else's unfinished glasses of wine. I know that sounds a little gross, but it was really not like that.
Unfortunately we had to leave Bitten when we transitioned over to the Tavern on Mill. I personally had a financial issue that held me up for about a half hour. But once we got there and the booze started flowing it was nothing but good times. I got to meet Adric's very friendly and generous father. Who is not as intimidating as people make him out to be. I also met a couple of her friends who tagged along with us when we went bar hoping later on. Wonderful couple! I hope they come to some of our other events.
Eventually, after the bars closed down, we made our way to the after party at Conolly and Adric's hotel room. Main Event had to go home at this time and our party continued to get smaller. However, this was when things began to get crazy!! I am not going to get into too many details because I don't really remember them all that well. In short, we had toplessness, cross-dressing, breaking out of windows, lap dances, cake eating, bra removing contests, and Canadians! What more could you possibly want at a Party!?!?!? As we speak, there is probably a video of me dancing in a dress circulating the internet!!! But all in all, it was good clean fun, nothing happened that anyone would regret in the morning.
That night, Pacman and I crashed at Blanch's pad. The next morning, we had breakfast at a place called Howels where a couple of us were defeated by stacks of pancakes and we discovered what a Bacon Waffle is. No one tried to eat it, though.
Without a doubt, it was one of the most memorable evenings I've ever had. I only wish that more people could have attended. I would like to offer a mountain of gratitude to Adric and Sandman for allowing me to attend their birthday celebrations. I also want to extend that thanks to Blanch for letting me borrow one of her couches overnight. I really cannot express how grateful I am to have stumbled upon this group. These last few months, I have had some of the best times of my life. I can't wait for the next event.
That is all.

And Casa Grande is not that far. About half an hour to Chandler and about fifty minutes to the west valley.