Well, I guess now that I am trying to become active again. I should also make an attempt to keep this blog up to date.
I did a lot of Yardwork today. Felt good. Good therapy, you know. For someone who has to work in front of a computer all the time, it's very refreshing to spend a few hours out with the sun and soil. My flowers aren't doing too good, though. I guess I'll just keep trying until I figure it out.
By the end of this month, we will know who is getting the boot at work. I am not worried, only because I am numb from being worried for so long. I would not be able to maintain my mortgage and other expenses if I were to lose this job. I'd probably have to sell everything I could, move back home to Vegas, and try to start again from the ground up. Except that it wouldn't be from the ground up. It would be several thousand dollars in the hole. Nevermind that!
Things between Angela and I are on the Rocks. I really think that I am going to have to Man up and leave her. I feel like I would be abandoning her, but the more and more I think about our situation, the more I realize that we are just not compatible enough to make this last much longer.
Random Matters:
Hopefully, I will be getting my hair cut this Tuesday. I still need to make a definite appointment with Drusylla.
My Computer has been acting real jooky lately. Especially on the internet. I fear I might not even be able to finish this post.
I still have a huge list of things to do before I go back to work on Wednesday. I am beginning to think I wont finish the list. But that is mostly because some items require making purchases which I can't afford right now.
Alright... That is All!
I did a lot of Yardwork today. Felt good. Good therapy, you know. For someone who has to work in front of a computer all the time, it's very refreshing to spend a few hours out with the sun and soil. My flowers aren't doing too good, though. I guess I'll just keep trying until I figure it out.
By the end of this month, we will know who is getting the boot at work. I am not worried, only because I am numb from being worried for so long. I would not be able to maintain my mortgage and other expenses if I were to lose this job. I'd probably have to sell everything I could, move back home to Vegas, and try to start again from the ground up. Except that it wouldn't be from the ground up. It would be several thousand dollars in the hole. Nevermind that!
Things between Angela and I are on the Rocks. I really think that I am going to have to Man up and leave her. I feel like I would be abandoning her, but the more and more I think about our situation, the more I realize that we are just not compatible enough to make this last much longer.
Random Matters:
Hopefully, I will be getting my hair cut this Tuesday. I still need to make a definite appointment with Drusylla.
My Computer has been acting real jooky lately. Especially on the internet. I fear I might not even be able to finish this post.
I still have a huge list of things to do before I go back to work on Wednesday. I am beginning to think I wont finish the list. But that is mostly because some items require making purchases which I can't afford right now.
Alright... That is All!