I hope it's not too late to make resolutions.
Because I have finally figured out one that I wanna make.
The idea came to me while I was chatting with Miss K online. She mentioned that she wanted to get out more this year. Coincidentally, this is the opposite of what I want to do. I want to stay home and get things done. Tie up loose ends. Get my business squared away.
So I have decided that this year I will disappear off the face of the planet.
Now, seriously. I can't really do that literally. I still have to work, I mean I still have to eat and pay my bills. But unless I absolutely have to, I will avoid being seen by anyone. I will avoid my friends, my family, my neighbors. Everyone!
Just for this year. And then next year I will start trying to make contact with everyone again. I am curious to see how many people will even notice my absence.
I have been wanting to do something like this for a long time. Except in a grander scale. I wanted to quit my job and sell my house and all my belongings and just become a travelling hobo. I don't think I have the courage to do all that. Not to mention that I have too many financial responsibilities that I can't just turn my back on. So I am just going to avoid people for one year. Maybe with the extra time and solitude I can find something productive to do. I might start learning to play guitar again or join a gym. I dunno.
I must say that this is finally making me excited about the new year. I really didn't care before because I didn't have a goal or a direction. But now I do. I have a mission. To disappear!
Because I have finally figured out one that I wanna make.
The idea came to me while I was chatting with Miss K online. She mentioned that she wanted to get out more this year. Coincidentally, this is the opposite of what I want to do. I want to stay home and get things done. Tie up loose ends. Get my business squared away.
So I have decided that this year I will disappear off the face of the planet.
Now, seriously. I can't really do that literally. I still have to work, I mean I still have to eat and pay my bills. But unless I absolutely have to, I will avoid being seen by anyone. I will avoid my friends, my family, my neighbors. Everyone!
Just for this year. And then next year I will start trying to make contact with everyone again. I am curious to see how many people will even notice my absence.
I have been wanting to do something like this for a long time. Except in a grander scale. I wanted to quit my job and sell my house and all my belongings and just become a travelling hobo. I don't think I have the courage to do all that. Not to mention that I have too many financial responsibilities that I can't just turn my back on. So I am just going to avoid people for one year. Maybe with the extra time and solitude I can find something productive to do. I might start learning to play guitar again or join a gym. I dunno.
I must say that this is finally making me excited about the new year. I really didn't care before because I didn't have a goal or a direction. But now I do. I have a mission. To disappear!
Dude, you're like my favorite person EVER!!! I'll email you my email.