I made it! Whew barely, but I did survive today. Thank you all for all of your kind words and support. It means so much to me to have a space to share what I am feeling. A special thanks to Shixsa for keeping me company. The new layout is super confusing. I am still trying to figure it out and SG has been super slow so it has prevented me from posting sooner. We are supposed to get a fairly big snow storm over the weekend.
I am really over cold weather, but oh well. I have so much homework to do and no energy to do it. Oh well. Thats all from here. Just wanted to say thank you. I hope everyone is doing well.

Things would be so much easier if I was a bitch, but still, I'm glad I'm not. The majority of people I see are kind (like you, who is kinder than most), I just don't understand why people want to make others feel bad.

ya know, u have been such a big help and support for me. I'm lucky to have u around, cause i know your kind words have helped me through some of these tough times. It means a lot to me, you are gonna have to let me make it up to u someday. take care, i'll ttyl sweetie.