Things are improving slowly but surely. I talked to my parents and grandparents which really helped. I let my step-dad know that I was very concerned about my mom and for once I think he may have actually understood me. I went to my psychiatrist yesterday and indeed it seems that I am bipolar. I am still of my anti-depressants and have been going through withdrawals which really sucks, but hopefully next week she and I will be able to figure out what meds to put me on. I've joined the bipolar group here on SG and just reading some of other people's posts has made me feel like I can get through this too. Other than that it's snowing AGAIN and I am ready for the weekend. Hope everyone is doing great and staying warm.
Lots of kisses and snuggling coming right up!
keep your head up! Sometimes things that you feel there is no way you can get through you look back upon and wonder "how the hell did I get through that?" and smile because your sooo much better off!