It has been a week of missing last busses and walking around all night.
A week of wondering how much longer I'll need to be unemployed, how much longer I'll do photography before I make a red cent from it, how much longer I'll be falling for girls 6 years younger than me because all the ones my age are either dead or married, how much longer people will continue to assume the worst about me, etc.
Words are futile. Have pictures.
A week of wondering how much longer I'll need to be unemployed, how much longer I'll do photography before I make a red cent from it, how much longer I'll be falling for girls 6 years younger than me because all the ones my age are either dead or married, how much longer people will continue to assume the worst about me, etc.
Words are futile. Have pictures.

This one is great. Looks like a stempunk character !
this week has been many things at once. we are all struggling. well, not all of us. but a lot.
keep on living, I s'pose.